Tag: Wolves
- Jun 16, '22
- by nighthunterwolf
- Mar 3, '21
- by WhispWolfTherian
- What Wolf Pack are You In?
- Jun 5, '11
- by :D
Most wolves in the world live in groups called "packs''. Packs hunt together, socialize together, play together, and sleep…
- What kind of wolf are you?
- Jul 23, '16
- by annafrozen12
There are many different species of wolf, however most of them are a subspecies of the grey wolf. Which of these wolf species…
- What Wolf Would You Be?
- Nov 18, '15
- by Awesomekittenyeah
There are many wolves in the world but do you know anything about them? NOOoOOOo! So if you take this quiz you can learn about…
- The Wolf Challenge
- Dec 29, '16
- by Animal Expert
Wolves are amazing, smart, swift mammals full of mystery and adventure! These elusive animals dot the Alaskan range and thrive…
- Could you survive as a wolf?
- Feb 10, '17
- by Lusa The Wolf
Wolves have it pretty tough. Whereas we humans complain when we've gone a few hours without food, wolves easily go days. You…
- What Type Of Wolf Are You?
- Nov 7, '14
- by ClaireWolfLover
Hey, if your taking this. You must like wolves! If not, shame on you. Wolves are amazing creatures. You have a right to love…
- Are you the dominant wolf in the pack?
- May 16, '11
- by Wynton
What wolf are you? Are you an aggressive, extreme, total dominant? Or do you cringe up to the leaders like the rest? A…
- Whats your wolf name
- Jun 17, '10
- by sand
Your wolf name given. Will you get a name that fits a personality of a dark-hearted wolf, or a noble leader with an attitude,…
- Can YOU Survive a Wolf's Life?
- Apr 2, '11
- by :)
Wolf lovers all over the world think wolves have amazing lives. They hunt meat, they have pups, they live in cool dens with…
- What is your Wolf Name?
- Oct 28, '12
- by Mariana
A wolf is a popular animal, but few people actually know what type or rank wolf they would be in the wild. What would your…
- How much of a wolf are you?
- Jan 22, '11
- by Loldog
There are many creatures spanning this world, from the lowly insect to the majestic eagle. But an animal that has appeared…
- How well do you know wolves?
- Jun 29, '10
- by tomboy9876
You may think you know wolves, but do you? Do you really? Take this quiz to learn how much you really know about wolves. You…
- How much you know about Gray Wolves?
- May 3, '16
- by Matmail
Wolves are animals that can live in forests and snowlands that far from human life. Somehow, some people have been attracted to…
- Would you Survive as a wolf in the wild?
- Dec 23, '16
- by Animal Expert
Hello! I'm Animal Expert! (This is not my real name, just my name online!) Welcome to my quiz! Do you like wolves? What do you…
- What kind of wolf are you?
- Jan 13, '08
- by Kat
This quiz is about finding out which wolf you really are. You might be the Light, Dark, Demon, Fire, Water, Earth, Rainbow, or…
- Which Wolf are You?
- Jun 25, '19
- by NerdyGamerCat
Ever wondered what type of wolf you are? Well, you've come to the right place, fellow wolf. Just answer a few questions and…
Even More Wolves Quizzes
- What Is Your True Wolf Name?
- Jul 22, '14
- by Laxwolf
There are many unique people who roleplay on webs and like me I have troubles thinking of a character. So I created this little…
- What Wolf are You?
- Jul 16, '09
- by Michael
A lot of people believe that when they die, they are reborn at some point in time as an animal. People believe that their…
- How Much Do You Know About Wolves?
- Dec 20, '12
- by OmegaWolf
There are many people who know how lots of wolves in the world. Some people don't know much, or even anything! What is a Wolf…
- How much do you know about wolves?
- Jun 19, '16
- by Erin
Hi, this is a quiz about how much you know about wolves, as you can tell by the title! Are you a genius? A person who is…
- How Much Do You Know About Wolves?
- Apr 20, '14
- by wolfie451
There are tons of people who know all about wolves. To become an expert you would have to study very hard, and try you're best…
- What would you look like as a wolf?
- Aug 9, '17
- by Ella
This is about what wolf fur colour you'd have and personality, though it may not say it in the title. Please, I don't mean any…
- How much like a wolf are you?
- Dec 3, '08
- by Mikayla
There are very good people out there. But some just don't like other people, and don't like being around them. A good…
- Are you a Spirit Wolf, real Wolf, human or Wolflover?
- Jan 19, '18
- by SpiritWolf556
Are you hiding the power of a Spiritwolf? Do you just love wolves? Are you a Real Wolf that transforms at full moon? Or are you…
- Are You a Wolf Therian?
- Feb 21, '12
- by Charlie
Are you a wolf therian? A therian is a person who has the spirit / soul of a different creature. I am one, so just take this…
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