How Much Do You Know About Wings Of Fire?

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[NOTICE!!] Do not take this quiz unless you have read all of the books at least once! Contains trivia for all of the books except ~Legends~. Also, please do not get mad with your results!

In this quiz, you with answer eleven questions, and at the end it will give you a score between zero and one-hundred. Your score will be based on how many questions you got wrong and how many you got right.

Created by: ~Snow&Fox~
  1. Who are the dragonets of destiny from Arc One?
  2. Who is Granduer?
  3. Who are the protagonists of the books of Arc 2?
  4. Why did the NightWings try to replace the Dragonets of Destiny with fake dragonets of destiny?
  5. What SandWing treasure can choose a SandWing queen just by them holding\wearing it?
  6. What are the three Pantalan tribes?
  7. What are the abilities of the RainWings?
  8. What are the abilities of SkyWings?
  9. Who are the protagonists of the books of Arc 3?
  10. Who is the author of the Wings Of Fire series?
  11. Who are the dragonets of destiny´s mothers?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Wings Of Fire?
