How much do you know about the NFL?

The NFL, is a big place. There are many fans, but only a few geniuses. Take this quiz to find out where you rank on the NFL genius scale. Hope you enjoy!

Do you think you are an NFL genius? Do you think you have what it takes to get a hundred percent? Well, in just a few moments you'll know by taking this quiz.

Created by: Minecraftguy
  1. How many teams are there?
  2. Who is the quarterback for the Giants?
  3. Who won Super Bowl 45?
  4. Who is quarterback for the Patriots?
  5. What does NFL stand for?
  6. Who is quarterback for the Steelers?
  7. What college did Eli Manning attend?
  8. What college did Eli Manning attend?
  9. Do you like football? (No affect on score)
  10. Do you play football? (No affect on score)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the NFL?