JROTC In-rank

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. But the true geniuses are the ones who study and know there stuff. Lets see if you have done your studying!?!

Are you a genius in JROTC?? Do you have the brainpower to prove that you are a genius?? Until now you could only wounder, but now thanks to this quiz you can finally find out!!

Created by: Sarah

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  1. What color socks are worn with the class A or B uniform?
  2. What type of shirt is worn under the Army green coat?
  3. When is the black necktie/neck tab is optional when wearing what type of uniform?
  4. What color t-shirt is worn with the class A or B uniform?
  5. What uniform is worn during ceremonies and social functions?
  6. What uniform is worn at summer camps and for participation on special teams?
  7. What insignia do cadet officers wear on the garrison cap?
  8. What insignia do enlisted cadest wear on the garrison cap?
  9. What color t-shirt is worn with the BDU uniform?
  10. How is the grade (or ROTC) insignia worn on the garrison cap?
  11. How is the JROTC shoulder sleeve insignia worn on the class A uniform?
  12. Where is the Honor Unit insignia worn?
  13. How are ribbons positioned on the class A uniform?
  14. How often must a uniform be worn by cadets?
  15. Can a male cadet wear an earring in uniform?
  16. What size earings can frmale cadets wear?
  17. How is the nameplate worn on your uniform?
  18. What regulation covers the wear of the uniform?
  19. Are shoulder board authorized for wear with the class B uniform?
  20. How are shoulder board ranks worn?
  21. What does BDU stand for?

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