How much do you know about my warrior cats ocs

This quiz is just to see how much you know about my warrior cats ocs, i just made tgis for fun because im bored, jajabajbaisbajsbdhavjshavagaysgajajbanakakananan

Anyways, ajsjbakabsjakabankahsbahakbsjakabdhacatgacajagsvshajsvavahahhabajahababbabsjsbwiabaiabiabsiwnaianianaianajajajanajsnsjsjjsj, also pls comment on this quiz

Created by: Kaykyle
  1. What colour is nightfurs fur
  2. Who is the first leader of thunderclan
  3. Who is williowfangs mate
  4. Who is ashpaws mentor
  5. How did snowstar die
  6. Who became leader after snowstar died
  7. How did flamefur die
  8. Witch book did snowstar die in
  9. Witch book did spotfir die in
  10. Who was spotfur deputy when he was leader
  11. Who was williowfangs kits
  12. How did nightfur die
  13. Who becomes leader after spotfurs death
  14. Who is nightfurs deputy when hes leader
  15. Who was the first deputy

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about my warrior cats ocs

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