How friendly are you?

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Welcome to a quiz where you will find out how friendly you are. You will need your bff and your not a close friend to answer some questions and then you can find out your results

All you need to do is answer these questions TRUTHFULLY to get the best results. I hope that you enjoy this quiz and don't forget to be kind or you might not get the best results.

Created by: Debbie Kong
  1. Part 1. Which is your favourite animal of these?
  2. Now a colour!
  3. Now a delicious berry!
  4. Please answer truthfully in the next few questions. It is very important. How many friends do you have?
  5. How do you react around your friends (worst thing you do)
  6. What would you do for your friends?
  7. Am I your friend?
  8. Part2. Okay so go and grab your absolute best friend to answer a few questions about you, okay? Don't forget to be truthful! How kind are they?
  9. What is the best thing that they have done for you?
  10. Have you gotten into an argument
  11. Okay part 3! Grab a not as close friend and get them to answer these questions! Would you change anything about them?
  12. What do you play with them
  13. How much do you know about them?
  14. Okay did they do my wolf quiz? If so what were they?
  15. So now can the bff rate you and then the quiz
  16. The quiz now
  17. Now can the friend answer the same questions
  18. Now the quiz
  19. Now a question for you. Rate this quiz
  20. Finally an emoji

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Quiz topic: How friendly am I?
