How well do you know Adopt Me?

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Welcome to the Adopt Me Quiz! This quiz will test your experience in Adopt Me! This quiz includes True or False, testing your experience, and much more.

There are 10 Questions in this quiz because I was to lazy to make more. I would've made 15 questions, bbut I didn't want to and my head was dizzy. Good Luck!

Created by: Lyliac
  1. 1. Which pet is a legendary?
  2. 2. Which egg is in Adopt Me?
  3. 3. What pet is in Adopt Me?
  4. 4. Which food is in Adopt Me?
  5. 5. There is a banana car in Adopt Me
  6. 6. There is a spider pet in Adopt Me
  7. How many pets do you need to make a neon?
  8. What age does your pet need to make a neon?
  9. 9. There is a Chocolate Labrador in Adopt Me
  10. 10. Last Question: Is there a Snow Puma in Adopt Me?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Adopt Me?
