How much are you alike to me?

i'm not sure what to put in this box so imma just... iudbcvbciulwqvbyblerbveruvybeyduvbeuvybqeurivbiuleqbvcvyucbvjhuiebcvyegviurelbvfdhbvhyucvlduqcbileucvhdv cjkhdevcluyvyuerbvljhebdhvcyuvdchjabliuedc

yugcygvqekcblivbhejqkdchvdecuygbeucbcduyvbeviuqejhkcviudbciuehr8ryteqqblikjbchvviuladbciubqliuqalbcliducbjhvbiuebilrbvhjdbcvyuquichqlvbcbcdbuidbcuiqlbdaucbhv kdasuvb hjdfvuivbeiubvieurbvcuyqevblabculu

Created by: FoxyWolf713
  1. pronouns?
  2. eye color?
  3. do you like sushi?
  4. shoe size? (in womens)
  5. how many siblings do you have?
  6. do you play any of these sports?
  7. what is the best color of bell peppers?
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. is green an amazing color?
  10. are dogs or cats better?
  11. how do you feel about horoscopes?
  12. which of these singers are bullcrap
  13. how do you feel about sunlight?
  14. if someone were to punch you, what would be your response?
  15. the person punches you again, what do you do now?

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Quiz topic: How much am I alike to me?

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