Warrior cats roleplay part 1!

So you start off as a kit and you grow up to be a warrior. Btw this is my 2nd ever quiz so plz don't be mean in the comments- anyway have fun and enjoy!

Idk what to put here so imma do Camilio lyrics :) A seven-foot frame, rats along his back When he calls your name it all fades to black Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (Hey)

Created by: St#rz
  1. You open your eyes to see several other kits playing, three of them being your siblings. What do you do?
  2. After playing with the other kits (if you chose option 4 ur mom forced u to play) you go outside, where do you go?
  3. After visiting where u visited it turns night. The next morning ur sisbling smacks you harshly. What u do?
  4. Option 1: After screeching it woke up everyone and you've been banned from the clan
  5. Option 2: After you smack ur sibling mom wakes up and tells you to stop
  6. Option 3: You smack back and he says "Fine I won't do it again brat" and goes to sleep
  7. Option 4: After you wake up mom ur mom tells ur brother to stop
  8. Idk what to do for the last 3 so these question don't count ur score
  9. How's ur day
  10. Ok last question- what gender r u
  11. I lied- bai

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