Warrior Cats Legends of WindClan part 1

HEY GUYYYSSSSS...... welcome to the Warrior cats Legends of WindClan part 1 quiz.... I hope you like it. Sorry it doesn't have more romance, they're just kits in this one, but enjoy!!!

This quiz only tells you who YOU like , not who likes you, please let me know in the comments what you think, and if the quiz is bad, please just say so with as little hate as possible, thanks : )!!

Created by: StormyflareMLP123ABC
  1. It's morning. You wake up and walk outside, ready to sneak through the camp. Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you. "Mistykit, where are you going?" It's Earthkit.
  2. "HEYYY, guys. Watcha doin'??" Bluekit suddenly appears behind you. What do you do?
  3. Bluekit doesn't answer you, instead he says, "Hey,Aspkit's sneaking out of camp!! We should go bring him back!!
  4. "My father says we should head to the caves!" It's Aspkit, son of Stormfly, clan leader. Earthkit looks annoyed but he starts to obey, when you guys hear a rustling in the bushes. You tense, and out leaps a cat from Shadow clan!
  5. What do you do???
  6. You are all arguing about what to do when a fox leaps out from the bushes. you all freeze. It eyes you kits, but then catching sight of the windclan cat pounces on him instead. It's teeth glint as the fox sinks them into the cats neck....
  7. Your father appears out of nowhere with your younger sis, honey and chases the fox off. you turn back to check if the stormclan cat is dead, and the others follow you. Bluekit inqusitivley pokes it, when all of a sudden it leaps out, picks honey up and disappears into the night.
  9. Now, tell me, should i make a part two? (WILL AFFECT RESULT)
  10. gOoDbYeEeE!!!!! (doesn't affect result)

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