How Horse-Crazy are You?

Are you horse-crazy? Take this quiz to find out! I hope that you are a horse lover like me. Feel free to share this with your other equestrian friends! Check this out to find the real answer!

There are ten questions, multiple answers, and outcomes. Comment down below, if you see any mistakes. It would really help me out to improve this quiz. Have fun!

Created by: Katie MIllett
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. Would you rather muck out a stall or clean your room?
  3. How much do you know about horses?
  4. Do you want a horse of your own, if you don't already?
  5. Do you play horse games like Star Stable?
  6. Do you think about them all the time?
  7. Do you ride?
  8. Do you secretly like the smell of horses and maybe their manure?
  9. Do you run and jump like a horse, all the time?
  10. Would you consider yourself and equestrian?
  11. Do you love horses?

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Quiz topic: How Horse-Crazy am I?
