Basic Horse Knowledge Quiz

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How much do you know about horses? Are you ready to lead the life of an equestrian? Are you prepared to care for a horse of your own? Are horses your passion?

This quiz covers several basic topics about horses and aspects of the equestrian world from coat colors and grooming tools to feeding and riding. Knowing the answers to these questions should be the starting point for owning or working with a horse.

Created by: tricolorpinto
  1. What unit of measurement is used when determining the height of a horse?
  2. Which part of the horse do you measure for height?
  3. What is the average life span of a horse?
  4. If a horse is called a green horse, this means:
  5. When leading a horse, it is important to:
  6. A horse's teeth never stop growing.
  7. Which grooming tool is used in circular motions on a horse's coat to bring dirt to the surface?
  8. A well trained horse will never spook at objects he is familiar with.
  9. What are warmbloods?
  10. What is a grey horse?
  11. What is the standard height of a pony?
  12. What is the cantle?
  13. About how often should a farrier trim an average horse's hooves?
  14. Which of these lists include the proper attire for working with a horse?
  15. What does a red ribbon in a horse's tail mean?
  16. Which is not a coat color that exists for horses?
  17. What does it mean when a horse has feathering?
  18. Horses only sleep standing up.
  19. What is the gaskin?
  20. What should be the first priority when working with horses?
  21. When determining how much to feed a horse, how should feed be measured?
  22. If a horse is kept in a pasture full time, how many acres of grassland should be provided?
  23. What is tack?
  24. Which of these terms cannot be used to describe a type of horse?
  25. Which of these is not an equestrian discipline?
  26. What does it mean to lunge a horse?
  27. What does it mean when a horse is labeled as an easy keeper?
  28. Which of these facts is true?

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