What Color Suits You And Your Horse

This quiz is purely for fun so I hope you have lots of fun with it. Also if its not accurate I apologize, but I had fun making it. Also what's your favorite horse breed? Feel free to answer in the comments.

Horses are amazing animals that can do so much for us if we listen, ask properly, and are patient. So go spend some time with your horse or a horse (with permission of course!) And have a great day.

Created by: jjjjjjjjjjj
  1. Which of these is your favorite color (if its not one of these choose your next favorite.)
  2. What color is your horse?
  3. What describes you best?
  4. Which describes your horse best?
  5. Which Continent do you live on?
  6. What breed sounds your speed?
  7. Where would you rather live?
  8. What type of place would your horse do best in?
  9. Do you like the color green?
  10. What sport do you prefer (besides riding.)
  11. What is your usual riding attire?
  12. Which fruit sounds best?
  13. Lastly what color do you want?

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Quiz topic: What Color suits me And my Horse
