How funny are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How funny are you?
"OMG get a sense of humor"
LOL I'm hilarious. My best friend laughs her head off at me. This quiz is totally inaccurate. The questions really don't have much to do with humor. I said people think I'm "very funny" and I have "a few" friends because I'm new to my class.
Also, use proper punctuation and capitalization on your sentences, child.
It says 86 percent but wait backwards its 68 which represents the illuminati which means tacos are hotdogs from another dimension,which means lambs like burgers!Which means......PORKCHOP S ARE FAMILY NOT FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD !!
Funny arrow joke is funny
It says that I'm extremely funny.
Extremely funny I no I am great quiz
Hillary1 -
That guy below me is weird right
apparently, im really very funny. great. just what i wanted. -_- lol
extremely funny
you are very very funnylol. i was funny, until i took an arrow to the knee
If u want more of me txt me at shadow_nation on kik
really funny
am extremely funny.. :S
I'm not very funny... @n@ I cri ery tim
ಠ_ಠextremely funny, oh yeah, AWESOME DESCRIPTION!! ಠ_à²
???????i dont get it
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