How fat should you be (RP)

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Ever wanted to know if you should be fatter? Well this is the quiz for you. Answer these fun role play questions to see weather you should be Underweight, Average, Chubby, Overweight, Obese, Severely Obese or Immobile.

Disclaimer: This test is not telling you what to do. It is just a fun thing to do. This test puts you into the life of a toned 5'2 woman and all the information about BMI and everything, I found on the web. I am sorry if some of the information is incorrect. I AM NOT AN EXPERT.

Created by: Smiley_marshmallow1
  1. Why are you really here?
  2. Ok so let's start. One day you open your phone and see an app that you never downloaded on your home screen. You see that its called 'Gut-Grower'. What do you do.
  3. You open the app and you see it's asking your permission for something but its so small you can't read it. What do you do?
  4. You can finally see what this app is about! At the top of the screen it says 'Want to gain weight fast? Click here!' Underneath the message a Start button is flashing. What do you do?
  5. You press start. A number, 120, comes up on the screen. You know this is your current weight because you weighed yourself just yesterday. In what seems like seconds the number is at 123. Not much seems to have changed on you body but you feel slightly off. How do you react?
  6. Soon the number on the screen says 130. You definitely feel different to what you used to. You look down and see a little bump of fat in your midsection.
  7. Now the screen reads 135. You know that if you carry on 5 more pounds you will be classed as overweight. How do you feel?
  8. At 140 pounds you are officially overweight and still gaining.
  9. At 160 you are on the larger side of being overweight and nearly obese. Your cloths are starting to feel really quite tight and you belly is sticking out over the waist band of your jeans. You can easily pinch a couple inches of fat off your belly. How do you react.
  10. 180. All remainders of your hour glass figure is now gone. Now you are obese your cloths have started to rip and several buttons from your shirt have burst off. You can't even see your feet any more because the jiggling mass of lard that was once your toned abs restrict your view. Your thighs brush as you walk and your arms have bat wings. What do you do?
  11. Now at 200 pounds you are severely obese and at risk of some serious heath problems. Your belly is so large you can hardly even walk. You have to sit down on your massive butt to avoid over balancing. Even just sitting there is making you out of breath. If someone stuck a metre stick into your lard it would go in 3/4 of the way.
  12. You are now 230 pounds. You are so fat you can no longer sit up. Your fat rolls off you in all directions, coating the floor in your flab.
  13. Now just some normal non role play questions.You look in a mirror and see you have your ideal body shape. What do you look like?

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Quiz topic: How fat should I be (RP)

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