How fat or skinny are you / or you want to be...

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Ok, so this is my first quiz ever made so I don't know how it will look. I hope the result will be adequate to your answers :D. Photos aren't mine and they belong to rigthful owners.

This quiz only include results from skinny to chubby so you can't get an result bigger than chubby. This quiz just doesn't include results like fat or obese. And this quiz is mostly for girls. Just to let you know. Have fun!

Created by: TankBoy
  1. You are skinny now. What would you like to do?
  2. Let's say it is christmas time. You are just after the dinner. How much did you eat?
  3. You weighed 55 kg ( 121 lbs ). After 1 week you gained 6 kg ( 13 lbs ). What do you do?
  4. You are at home with your partner and you get an offer of getting fed. What do you think?
  5. You want to go cycling with your partner, but first you have eaten a half of a cake. You are burping and your beally is really heavy now. What would you do in this situation?
  6. You are on the beach and you see an ice cream shop. Do you go there?
  7. You're eating a huge , delicious dinner and you start to feel heavy but you still can eat. Do you finish dinner?
  8. You are little chubby. You jiggle a bit and you have much fat in your body. You eat too much sometimes. Are comfortable with your body?
  9. You have barely ate anything this week. In consequence of this action you lost 5 kg ( 11 lbs ). What do you think of that?
  10. How much would like to weight?
  11. Your partner wants to take you to McDonald's. Would you go there?
  12. Let's say you actaually went to McDonald's. You don't know if you are either happy or angry about it. You take a sit and now it's time to order sth. What did you order?
  13. You are alone at home and you're starting to get hungry. You have money and you have a lot of ingredients. What would you like to eat?
  14. You've gained a lot of calories since last month and you gained a little layer of fat. Your body is a little softer and you can pinch a bit of fat from your belly. What would do you do in that situation?
  15. You are in the restaurant. You've have ate over 4 dishes! Your belly is stuffed and bloated. Your jeans are really tight and you feel like you're gonna pop a button. Do you still eat?

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Quiz topic: How fat or skinny am I / or you want to be...
