Role play: live a customizable dayπŸ’ΌπŸ‘™πŸ‘˜πŸ‘’πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ŸπŸ’„

Hi! This isn't really a quiz, more of just a role play thing! It might not be flexible enough for your perfect day. Only the last one has any effect! This is only for fun!

The results are equally good. It doesn't matter what you get. However, if you are curious, you can go back through the quiz and select the other ending answer.

Created by: Abby-cat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your name? Choose your favorite.
  2. How do you want to look? Can be your real appearance, doesn't have to.
  3. Your alarm buzzes. Time for school! What do you do?
  4. What do you wear?
  5. On the bus: You see your friend in your normal seat. However, another student, a girl with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, is with them. They are talking and laughing. You:
  6. IF YOU CHOSE FEEL SAD AND REJECTED: You sit down in a seat near the front. It is already occupied by a pretty Amish girl with red hair. You:
  7. IT YOU CHOSE BE ANGRY: you sit in a seat towards the back of the bus. There, a fashionable blonde girl is already relaxing. "Get outta here, dufus!" She says. You:
  8. IF YOU CHOSE SIT WITH THEM: your friend says,"Meet Isabel. We're in history together." Isabel says,"Oh! You must be _____! (Your friend's name) has told me all about you!" You:
  9. AT SCHOOL: a redheaded Amish girl ( the same one you may have met on the bus) walks up and says,"Hi! I'm Rose. Have you seen Isabel? A strawberry blonde girl with green eyes?" You:
  10. You look at your schedule. Your first class after homeroom is:
  11. AFTER HOMEROOM: IF YOU CHOSE MATH: a girl in the desk next to yours asks your recess period. she is very fashionable and pretty. You:
  12. IF YOU CHOSE ENGLISH: your teacher hands out a pretest. You feel:
  13. OF YOU CHOSE SCIENCE: your teacher gives you a plan sheet for an experiment next week. It's going to be a BIG part of your grade! You feel:
  14. IF YOU CHOSE SOCIAL STUDIES: your teacher says to open your book to page 1. Her face is a slight frown. You feel:
  15. IF YOU CHOSE A SPECIAL: your teacher says that they've got to do a lot of planning for another school they work at. What is it?
  16. IF YOU CHOSE RECESS: a fashionable blonde girl (whom you may have met) says,"You just stay out of our territory, NERD." You feel:
  17. PRE-LUNCH: A redhead Amish girl you may have met before, Rose, walks up to you and asks if you want to have lunch with her. You:
  18. IF YOU SAID YES IN ANY FORM: you sit down at a very neat table with Rose and two other girls. The discussion turns to puberty. You:
  19. IF YOU CHOSE NO: you sit with your friend. They don't have anyone else with them. You:
  20. AFTER SCHOOL: Your mom says that you can go either to the pool, park, office, or your friend's house. Your choice is
  21. IF YOU CHOSE POOL: you do which of these activities besides swimming?
  22. OF YOU CHOSE PARK: your old kindergarten friend shows up. Do you play\hang out?
  23. IF YOU CHOSE OFFICE: what do you do?
  24. IF YOU CHOSE FRIEND'S HOUSE: truth or dare!
  27. AT HOME: what's for dinner?
  28. Bedtime routine?
  29. Bye!

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