How easily offended are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How easily offended are you?
Yayz! Iz amz az heroz..iz guessz. So mia and Zane are here on gotoquiz? I have no idea what their gtq names are though. Do you know their names(on gtq)?=}
Lol what's the difference?!=]
Since i'm writing..,are you right handed?? =] i am.
Yeah...MWAHAHAHAHA! >=] (naw i'm not trying to scare you!)
so you wanted to tell me something 'important'or you said that randomly?!
OR BOTH OF THEM!!You passed away!! =D oh wrong face!D=!!hehe!
i'l l be waiting for you.{since there is no one else in the world who i have this much fun with.}
Um...*is freaked out*who else is here to talk to?
Mmkay. =) wait, who are you talking to?
oh okay.. It's alright, just dont think about it anymore and it shouldn't be that bad=)
Oh really? Why did Ken do that?
Yeah..high school is much better, trust me=)
Yep I think I am..or not.. I don't keep track of my height.
Hehe smart boy!avril lavigne song..i'm actually studying's hard and boring..and it sucks :/
i guess red, dark blue and black=) I can't choose my favorite color though
=) Sure, what's your favorite bands/artists?
Oh aight! yeah I'm usually kinda unhappy when I have lots of homework
mmkay. So you're not sad either?
- know who am i talking about?
="( vic *cries* for some reasons i might never see you in my life ever again..i'll miss much
Where were we?oh yeah you said "no probably not"then i said"Thats a lie!!!"
FACE IT i'm unbreakable!!! >=D
(not really..) -
Great =)
._. Nah, a sentence!!
Btw HAPPY EASTER! ^-^ *Hugs*
(answer the last comment) -
Thanks for petting me and hugging me! oh I mean..ruff ruff
Ahaha I'm not wearing shoes
Well yeah it's funny and all, =] but i get so used to it that it's creepy