How easily offended are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How easily offended are you?
Oh yeah, your mom.. I forgot
Come on. Please ask it =$
Yeah I have to go =( See ya and goodnight *hugs you*
Oh yeah =) cool. So what time is it there?
Yep that's a joke. I'm not THAT kind of selfish date. =) *kisses forehead*
Dz oz nz tz lz ez az vz ez mz ez az lz oz nz ez wz iz tz hz tz hz ez sz ez sz az dz pz ez oz pz lz ez =/
What? Oh okay
Yes.. And i'm the jackass. *stares at shoes*
oh i forgot to tell you..SUMMER IS HEEERRREEE WOOO! (even though i have another school entry exam , i don't really care! =}} )
=( I'm here now. Oh not again...I hate those people who are shutting down sites
Aw man, now you have a headache? Why do you have a headache?=(
Yep it is =} It means: Thanks sir!
Uh that's weird..a worm like thing in your book?? Oh Nevermind it was on it
First. You
second. School will be over in two days.
Third. Good day =] -
No, I'm joking=)
>=) Mmkay i don't want to anyway (not really)
You will never see it >=} ...ever Mwahaha
that is pretty COOL!! i like soccer =) i play basketball and badminton. (i don't play anymore)
*hugs back* Hello my friend=) yeah i'm finally free after all these months..
Welcome back!!=J
Oh I'm scared! *is faking* >=)
For real?? =)) I never knew Vic =') You just made my day. I love you SO much. If you only knew how much i do =)
Yeah I need to go back to normal too=(
Really?? =) cool
You ate lipstick too??!!! I liked red more when i was younger =]