How easily offended are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How easily offended are you?
*makes bubbles* Bubble bubble bubble Bubble bubble bubble!! *stops being evil* NICE is here! =))
>=) Nothing is more evil than that! I'm scared, I have to hide!!
=)Yeah it seems longer than only 6 months. Maybe it's just me
6 months? Oh It felt like it was longer than that, I don't know why though.=]
Yep =] Oh and i have cherry (Lipgloss that tastes like cherry!!) Once i...-.- ate my mom's lipstick..DON'T JUDGE,I WAS TWO!!!
Yeah I won't leave soon. If I have to leave I'll tell you(since I never do!!) =]
Yeah me too..that reminds me of my school. There are more creepy people than normal.
Okay stop doing that!..just kidding=p
Yeah me too =( they would have to take me to mental hospital or they just have to bury me cuz i'm dead!!LOL!!
I wished you could taste it =) it was yummy!
Ookay.but i can be sneaky though! ;)
so you really want me as your "girlfriend"or "date"or ..whatever...?like, you think about slytherin queeen even out the site?!!?!!
It's alright, I don't mind. =)
No O_O no one IS moving ghosts..i'm half alone now.just sheila is here..*bites lip and looks around*
Oh mmkay. =) If I were you, I wouldn't do the dare and just forget it. It's not even a dare to me anyway
Haha well that worked! ;]
{actually let's say earth,cuz i have my cousins and my friends and sheila on mars who i have alot of fun with!LOLZ =) }
You either died or passed out!!
=)I've been okay, except school is making me annoyed. what about you? How have you been?
Hi there my buddy =)
Uh those stupid normal bugs!! Say some thing new...
=)That sounds good, did you make it yourself? Or is it a poem or song?
'some' kinds of cats and 'some'kinds of dogs.(not all of them.)
tiger-cheet ah-wolf...i have more but i cant think right now=) (i just had a math exam.uh sooo many was 6 pages!)
Yeah I have a lot.. i mostly like Coldplay, The Cure, AC/DC
and Led you like coldplay too=]
No problem..hahaha oh really? How many lelouches will there be on this site?! There are more than 4 now