How attractive are you? *For people of all genders*

Have you ever wondered if you're attractive? Ever wondered whether other people see you as such? I know I have. I've taken a lot of quizzes on this topic and I wanted to make one of my own.

This is for all genders (trans, enby, male, female, genderfluid, genderfluid flux, etc.) and sexualites. Please do it till the end, because the answer isn't what you expect.

Created by: Alex
  1. What's most like your style?
  2. What's your hair color?
  3. Eye color?
  4. What kind of body do you have?
  5. Do you have any disabilities or handicaps?
  6. Do you have any sort of *for lack of better word* mental disorders?
  7. Are you lgbtq+?
  8. What kind of music do you listen to?
  9. What do you wanna do when you grow up?
  10. Have you ever had a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

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Quiz topic: How attractive am I? *For people of all genders*
