What do people find most attractive about you? (girls only)

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What is your most attractive quality? Is it your eyes, hair, skin, personality, kindness? Everyone is unique and perfect in their own way. No matter what anybody says.

This quiz may not be 100 % accurate. Answer every answer truthfully for the best results. And no matter what you get, everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Created by: Kat Nari
  1. What would you rather be doing on a Saturday morning?
  2. Do people tell you that you are pretty? (Other than family, not that it doesn't count)
  3. If you could go without one thing what would it be?
  4. What do people mostly compliment you on?
  5. Which of these is more important?
  6. Which doggo?
  7. Which cat?
  8. Which style?
  9. Which hairstyle?
  10. Which dress?

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