How AP are you?

This is for all of the Attachment Parenting parents out there who are just a bit crunchy or who are throw backs to a commune in the 70s. A quiz to gauge your AP ways.

Do you Attachment Parent? Do you co-sleep, breastfeed, non vax or homeschool your kids? This quiz is for you. This is for all of the Attachment Parenting parents out there who are just a bit crunchy or who are throw backs to a commune in the 70s. A quiz to gauge your AP ways.

Created by: megadoula

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  1. Do you let your baby "Cry it Out?
  2. Do you use cloth diapers
  3. My child was breastfed for __ months
  4. If you run into the grocery store, how likely are you to take your baby out of its carseat?
  5. You think of childbirth as...
  6. When somebody mentions that they sleep with their baby you think...
  7. I like to give birth at
  8. My family eats
  9. If your child is sick you
  10. When looking for parent education you read which book?
  11. You are in a waiting room. Which magazine do you pick up?
  12. Has your baby ever had Artificial Human Milk "formula"
  13. What are your beliefs in circumsision?
  14. What is your vaxination schedule?
  15. Have you ever been accused of being a hippy?

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Quiz topic: How AP am I?