Hogwarts Love Story Pt.2 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Love Story Pt.2.
I'm sorry, let me catch my breath! xD
Alright, let me just tell you that this was a very hilarious experience in my life! Imagining Oliver singing caused me to break out laughing, fall off my bed, hit my foot on my book shelf, laugh harder, remember why I was laughing in the first place, imagine Oliver singing again, laugh some more, than climb up in bed.
Then I reread it, and starting laughing again.
LOL, sorry, just how it happened! I absolutely adored every second of reading this! Positively loved each of the scenes! When it switched to Oliver's point of view, I literally starting blushing, then went: WAIT. Its fiction. :(
xD But honestly, the twins and Draco were pretty awesome, too! I loved the twins' "secret" - that they look exactly the same! And Draco - so sweet. Anyways, can't wait for the next!
Woah, that was amazingly long but I managed to get by it.
It was really good, to paid a lot of attention to detail, I practically squealed when I read the part of kissing Draco. I also liked the new characters involved but sadly, whenever I see Amber, I think of my own character Ambrosia. I can help but to already dislike her. It was a twist to see modern day equipment at Hogwarts, since it is 1993 but it worked; especially the singing Oliver. I laughed just imagining Oliver singing, it felt as if it was a High School Musical twist; Oliver suddenly loves the theater like Troy.
Either way, it was good and keep it up :)
I loved it! Just the scenes and the concept and the detail was fantastic! It was an absolute pleasure to read and I actually smiled and laughed while reading some of the scenes. Just Magnificent. I hung off every word and I can't wait till the next one. I'm a massive Draco fan so I loved those scenes with him! Fantastic! I also love those prankster twins for they're just just so funny and can be rather sweet. Thanks for this quiz it was an absolute treasure.
Me: Harry, they fixed it!
Harry: Me? Yep, it's fixed alright.
Me: *smioes dreamily until Ginny walks in*
Ginny: Harry, you coming?
Harry: Uh *looks at you*
Me: Go on, I trust you both.Ginny/Harry: Promise, no snogging, holding hands, or anything like that! *leave*
Whoa! Qusetion numder 11 is like miles long! No wonder I'm starving! I must eat. But personaly I think i did a good job! Don't forget to let me know who you want more of! I don't know if you don't tell me! Anyway, it's like 7:10pm so, I might try and have another one out tomm. or tonight, but I have homework to do, do I dare so it's overdue homework? And just wondering, but has anyone read the Pretty Little Liars books? If not they are really good, even if you're not a reader you should read them. Man, I'm gonna shut up now cuz I gotta go and eat. Hope you liked it!
@_ViolaLover_ Got it, I made my next one before i read this, so for the nxt one!
@natuhleega yle, Thanks for all the positve comments! I love your work and read it all! I don't really comment because i'm doing like Facebook,Quizzes,Ho mework,TV,iPod and just surfing, but I LOVE IT!
@HogwartsLov e, Nice! I'm sorry i hurt you tho, but THATS FUNNY! I couldn't thik of anything else, so... OLIVER'S A SINGER!! And just like @natuhleegayle, I LOVE YOUR WORK! Thanks for all the positive commentS!
@rosek at, Why thank-you, I do my best! You will be happy i think for what's comming!
@Blue bird, thank you! Just a fact, but did you know that in school my teachers say i need more detail in my writing? Well i'm going to show her this work! I'm Getting A's for the rest of the year!
I loved it!!!! GREEN APPLES!!!! SO I was wondering if you could portray the twins sepretly, because isn't it kind of hard to date both of them at the same time?
I positively loved it great job I can't wait to see what's to come!
rosekat1 -
ummmm... what can i say? the kiss was a little... unexpected
cool quiz!10 stars!
smashing picture you got there, of dumbledore!
This was amazing
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