Hogwarts Love Story Pt.2 | Comments

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  • I'm sorry, let me catch my breath! xD

    Alright, let me just tell you that this was a very hilarious experience in my life! Imagining Oliver singing caused me to break out laughing, fall off my bed, hit my foot on my book shelf, laugh harder, remember why I was laughing in the first place, imagine Oliver singing again, laugh some more, than climb up in bed.

    Then I reread it, and starting laughing again.

    LOL, sorry, just how it happened! I absolutely adored every second of reading this! Positively loved each of the scenes! When it switched to Oliver's point of view, I literally starting blushing, then went: WAIT. Its fiction. :(

    xD But honestly, the twins and Draco were pretty awesome, too! I loved the twins' "secret" - that they look exactly the same! And Draco - so sweet. Anyways, can't wait for the next!

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  • Woah, that was amazingly long but I managed to get by it.

    It was really good, to paid a lot of attention to detail, I practically squealed when I read the part of kissing Draco. I also liked the new characters involved but sadly, whenever I see Amber, I think of my own character Ambrosia. I can help but to already dislike her. It was a twist to see modern day equipment at Hogwarts, since it is 1993 but it worked; especially the singing Oliver. I laughed just imagining Oliver singing, it felt as if it was a High School Musical twist; Oliver suddenly loves the theater like Troy.

    Either way, it was good and keep it up :)

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  • I loved it! Just the scenes and the concept and the detail was fantastic! It was an absolute pleasure to read and I actually smiled and laughed while reading some of the scenes. Just Magnificent. I hung off every word and I can't wait till the next one. I'm a massive Draco fan so I loved those scenes with him! Fantastic! I also love those prankster twins for they're just just so funny and can be rather sweet. Thanks for this quiz it was an absolute treasure.

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  • Me: Harry, they fixed it!
    Harry: Me? Yep, it's fixed alright.
    Me: *smioes dreamily until Ginny walks in*
    Ginny: Harry, you coming?
    Harry: Uh *looks at you*
    Me: Go on, I trust you both.

    Ginny/Harry: Promise, no snogging, holding hands, or anything like that! *leave*

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  • Whoa! Qusetion numder 11 is like miles long! No wonder I'm starving! I must eat. But personaly I think i did a good job! Don't forget to let me know who you want more of! I don't know if you don't tell me! Anyway, it's like 7:10pm so, I might try and have another one out tomm. or tonight, but I have homework to do, do I dare so it's overdue homework? And just wondering, but has anyone read the Pretty Little Liars books? If not they are really good, even if you're not a reader you should read them. Man, I'm gonna shut up now cuz I gotta go and eat. Hope you liked it!

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  • @_ViolaLover_ Got it, I made my next one before i read this, so for the nxt one!

    @natuhleega yle, Thanks for all the positve comments! I love your work and read it all! I don't really comment because i'm doing like Facebook,Quizzes,Ho mework,TV,iPod and just surfing, but I LOVE IT!

    @HogwartsLov e, Nice! I'm sorry i hurt you tho, but THATS FUNNY! I couldn't thik of anything else, so... OLIVER'S A SINGER!! And just like @natuhleegayle, I LOVE YOUR WORK! Thanks for all the positive commentS!

    @rosek at, Why thank-you, I do my best! You will be happy i think for what's comming!

    @Blue bird, thank you! Just a fact, but did you know that in school my teachers say i need more detail in my writing? Well i'm going to show her this work! I'm Getting A's for the rest of the year!

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  • I loved it!!!! GREEN APPLES!!!! SO I was wondering if you could portray the twins sepretly, because isn't it kind of hard to date both of them at the same time?

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  • I positively loved it great job I can't wait to see what's to come!

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  • ummmm... what can i say? the kiss was a little... unexpected

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  • cool quiz!10 stars!

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  • smashing picture you got there, of dumbledore!

    This was amazing

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