Harry Potter story quiz part 3 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Harry Potter story quiz part 3.

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  • LOL, I love your shortcut for the results. At times, I wish I could do that but yeah...

    This was great! I can't wait to read more and I really like your writing style! The part with Ron and _____ while she was eating was made me laugh !

  • This was great! I wish it was longer though. Anyway, can't wait until the next one and as always, I'll be looking.

  • Loved it! Can't wait for more, and I have to agree with natuhleegayle, the point where ___ was eating made me laugh too.

  • again i really liked this and i LOVED the result it made me laugh xD ok iza got nothing else to say so good bye for now....


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