Harry Potter Quiz 1 Book 1 and 2

There are many people who know all about the books 1 and 2. Those people, after all, must have read the books at least once. They should know most of these answers as well.

Do you know these questions? Do you have the skills and knowingness that you would know all of these questions? Just take a minute or two to answer these questions to find out!

Created by: K
  1. Harry is known in the wizarding world by...
  2. How old is Nicholas Flamel?
  3. What is Chapter 2's title?
  4. "Letters from No One": What school will Harry go to?
  5. Where does Harry Sleep (book 1)
  6. In which chapter does Harry meet Ron Weasley?
  7. Which house does the sorting hat want to put Harry in?
  8. Who is the defense against the dark arts teacher and who is potions master?
  9. What is Neville's "trinket" that he gets from his Grandma?
  10. What day is it when the Troll comes from the dungeon?
  11. What book does Harry borrow from Hermione in chapter 11?
  12. What does Harry see in the Mirror?
  13. Book 2: How is Harry rescued from the Dursleys?
  14. Who starts the dueling club, and who are the two professors that teach it?
  15. What breaks Harry's arm, and who gets rid of the bones?

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