How Much Do You Know Harry Potter??

Do you know Harry Potter? Yes? are you really read the book? Yes? but i not so sure. play this quiz, and then i will know it. O, wait for minute, before you play this quiz, read harry potter book okay?

There are many people know about Harry Potter. But, i just want to know you. You. Just you. Are you really know about Harry Potter. Well when you know it, play this quiz so I will know you know about Harry Potter or not. okay Ready?

Created by: ToPotter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. 1. Who is Voldemort Grandpa?
  2. 2. Who is Harry Enemy in Slytherin?
  3. 3. Who is Harry cousin?
  4. 4. Who kill Harry Parents?
  5. 5. What is Harry job in Gryffindor Quiddicth Team?
  6. 6. Who is Slytherin Captain Quiddicth?
  7. 7. What potion Hermione make in Harry Potter two?
  8. 7. What potion Hermione make in Harry Potter two?
  9. 9. Who is Harry Son?
  10. Who is Potion teacher?
  11. 11. Who Is The Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter three?
  12. Who is Fleur Little sister?
  13. Who is Fleur Little sister?
  14. Who is the naughty little Brother's Percy?
  15. Who is Harry god father?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Harry Potter??