Harry Potter Quiz

Lot of people Know about Harry Potter because it is the best selling book of all time and also the film is best ...But there will be a few potterhead around so lets find out

Do you think you Know everything about Harry Potter book and movies...... then take the Quiz and prove your Knowledge......... After all proving your Knowledge isnt that bad

Created by: Sree

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is R.A.B?
  2. Who is prongs?
  3. Who is Percy's Girlfriend?
  4. Where Lupin hide when he turn to warewolf?
  5. What did Fred and george do after the education from howarts?
  6. Which subject hermione hated most?
  7. What did Hermione do to Rita Skeeter?
  8. Who is their DADA teacher in 6th book?
  9. Why didnt Nearly headless Nick die when he saw the Basilisk?
  10. Was Fleur a Part Veela?

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