Harry Potter Are You A Real Fan?

have you ever wondered 'well am i a true fan?' well this is that quiz. take ten questions that lead to true fan or i just like it. this is fun easy and quick. make sure to comment whether or not you are a true fan. lol

Come to other quizzes by Ginny Weasley when your done with this one. they are all silly quick and super funny. i would love to have you comment on my quizzes. if you like this quiz recommend it to your friends. lol

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. in what book did Harry and Ginny get together and when did they break up?
  2. who was a key witness at Dumbledore's death?
  3. who killed Dumbledore?
  4. how many kids did Harry and Ginny have?
  5. what is Harry's middle child's name?
  6. Who did Harry Potter and Ron Weasley go to the Yule Ball with.
  7. in your opinion what is the best fitting theme song for Harry Potter? most put it at Hall of Fame. you can skip this question
  8. who killed Nagini, Voldemort's ginormous snake? *SHUDDER*
  9. How many Horcruxes did Voldemort have?
  10. and lastly where was Harry Potter born?

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter am I A Real Fan?
