Are you a true Harry Potter fan?!!!!(I hope so)

Have you ever read one of the Amazing book j.k Rowling made called Harry Potter and wonderd " How much of a Harry Potter fan amI?" well then this is the quiz for you

This 18 questioned quiz is the real quiz that tells how much you know the amazing books of Harry Potter. You will get the true resualt more then all those other fake quizes have fun.

Created by: s.j
  1. In the Goblet of fire, what was the first task Harry Potter and the others were forced to face?
  2. In the beggining of the Prisoner of Azkaban what do the people in the wizarding world think of serious black?
  3. `what kind of wand does Harry Potter have?
  4. do Voldimort and Harry Potter have the same feather from the same phoenix in there wands?
  5. does Harry potter ever die?
  6. Why do people always ask the question : "what do you think of this quiz".
  7. how did Harry Potter survie the all powerfull he whom shall not be named when he was a baby
  8. how many sibling does Ron have
  9. what does mud blood mean?
  10. on a normal haloween what are you? .........please be honest
  11. Why does Harry stop playing Quidege
  12. How many Harry Potter books are there?
  13. In the books/ movies, what does the spell stupdify do?
  14. How does Serious black die?
  15. Who is Harry Soulmate
  16. At the end of the Half Blood Prince what does Harry decied
  17. what side did Malfoy decied to ho to
  18. what did you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Harry Potter fan?!!!!(I hope so)
