What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name?
I got D lol!
I took this quiz that was who is your Harry Potter bf and I ended up with Draco Malfoy!
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
(ok wow that great)
Somehow you got it right. T.
Spinny1 -
Total Bulls--- !
firedog1 -
no matter what is the start of his name but the most important for me is from the will of God. and i pray always that he gave some one who really loves me.
Omg great quiz I got T which is the letter of my boyfriends name!!
Shelby11 -
*when your crushes name starts with O and the dude who broke your hearts name starts with J and you got J*
Welp, Im not getting back together with that a$$hole sooooooooooooooooo yeah. 3 words: f---. You. Judah.
The First Letter of your soulmate's name is... C.
And I don't really want a man
Zeeeeee1 -
What a joke ! I guess I was just dreaming this would help :-(
firedog1 -
I'm not very sure about the letter D. Well, im from a hindu family. Hindu's dont actually use names which starts with D, W, X, Y, Z, I etc..
Exboy1 -
This is a strange quiz.
I got D. Though his name starts with an R as in his name is Ryan, his last name starts with a D. And there are 2 Ryans at my school: Ryan Bartley and Ryan DANBURY. OMG this is freakishly AWESOME!!! The best quiz EVAH!!!! ;D :D ^-^ ;D
My Ex's name began with a J and he crushed my heart...every time I take a quiz like this I keep getting J.
My soulmates name starts with a D
horses201 -
I got j...but i was hoping for a different letter:(
crap 'C' thats the first letter of a guy i almost had to call the cops on :( and j was second and my boyfriends name starts with a j and d was under j hahahaha
My soulmates name starts with D.....where you at?! im lonely and I want to watch Netflix and YouTube with ya!
what a nice imitation I don't believe my soulmates name is B
J? J!? Freaking J!? Wtf? There only 4 options! And I got... J!? Freaking J!? Oh... my... God... J is the first letter of my brother's name! My eldest brother Jermie...
I'm sorry but that wasn't a letter of this name his name is Mark
Dmasi1 -
Great! T :D Problem, I'm not a girl. Other problem, spellcheck maybe?
Omg soo true... xD actually I got a J and I want Justin Bieber to be my soulmate.... My choice... Good quiz
Jenny1011 -
Ah... It's J. I know too many people that start with that letter!!
I got J, which is awesome cause James is the man i am with now. :]