1 Twilight Fan's Profile

1 Twilight Fan
Joined on Jun 14, 2015
Status Level: Experienced
1 Twilight Fan's Quizzes
- How hyper are you?[published: Mar 01, 2016, 6 comments]
Anyone can be hyper. Some people are not hyper at all. But you should know how hyper you are, just out of……
- What is your signature scent?[published: Oct 30, 2015, 14 comments]
There's lots of smells that smell very appealing or even mouth-watering. Some are very strong……
- The GTQ Apocalypse[published: Oct 12, 2015, 6 comments]
Sometimes we all need to change our habits that we have gotten used to. We need to stir up some chaos and……
- What should be your native language?[published: Jul 09, 2015, 12 comments]
Are you tired of just knowing that you know the most popular language in the world, which……
- #1 Twilight Fan[published: May 17, 2014, 13 comments]
IF you think Twilight is awesome, test your knowledge. Why not take this quiz to find out? This quiz shouldn't……
1 Twilight Fan's Recent Posts
"My friend Marian gave me her account called Cilantro, email me if you want that one. She hated the site, gave it to me, and I don't use it."
"Yes, yes I am. It breaks my heart bc I had many great memories but its time to let go~"
"Awwwwwh I don't mind how often you use it. Youre a chill person, and I want you to keep it."
"This feels like such a big decision damn imam miss this but I'll get over it ;-;"
"Tima!!! Yesss, you can have"
"Just tell who you are lmfao ive been waiting. Is this Seth?"
"Mexican** Im nottt American lmao"
"No, stop stop stop, I find no humour or grace in this. Don't kys. Just don't do it. I hope youre joking"
"I care, a lot, no matter who it is. Now, reveal who you are. I feel like I know you..."
"Welllll stappp joking around about kys. If you're not joking, dont do it."
"Yes, it really matters. How will I remember who died? And don't say that lol its not that funny"
"stop trolling lolol its scaring me. Don't joke about kys :("
"Mmm no, Im not wishing luck for a suicidal mission. But frfr tho, who's this?"
"Dracoooo! I remember ya lol"
1 Twilight Fan's Recent Quiz Comments
"Drama nerd🖤 Noice"
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"Lol i'm glad you share the love for Twilight too! Thank youu hun!"
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"this is bull tbh"
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"Husky! 😄 Coolio! ðŸ¶"
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"81% Amy
80% Catherine"1 -
"This is such a biased quiz."
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"90% Vampire Archer "
1 -
"Not a chance. Ever. "
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