Shelby1's Profile

Joined on May 7, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
Shelby1's Quizzes
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Shelby1's Recent Posts
"How do I sound to young!?!? I mean WTF EVERYONE has bf gfs wen their my age idk watthe he!! Ur tlkin bout thought and Im not just hung up on..."
"If he hangs out with other girls more thn usual, if he seems not as talkative, won't pay attention to u, you see him starin into space lk h..."
"My first kiss well we had been goin out for 2 weeks and he texted me one night and asked how I felt about kissing at school and I said i wou..."
"Thnx!!!! and ya I wanna tell him but I'm soo nervous of wat he will say!! We have our big formal dance on Saturday and were both go"
"Do you guys think is possible to get bak together wth ur ex?????? ok me and my bf went out for almost 2 months december 19- february 12 ..."
"Ya thts true but like now I no he's goin to and he knows tht I know but he won't ask me!! How do I get him to ask?????? I need help !"
"Ya true and thnx but I thnk I am"
"Thnx :). It's just so freakn confusing cause like I'm not very pretty (as u can see in tht pic to the side) so I'm not good with ths stuff a..."
"Ya I guess:/"
"I can't!! He hasn't talked to me since me broke up with me!! :/"
"K there's ths guy tht I lik and he likes me I'll call him 1 and well he's about to ask me out any day now but there's a prob my ex who broke..."
"Thts soo sweet "
"O u guys r lucky my guy dumped me last Friday:( rite before v-day and exactly a week before our 2 months together:( "
"Oh jeez all u had such romantic first kisses mine was in the skool hallway :p. "
"Ya thts true :'("
Shelby1's Recent Quiz Comments
"Haha I got player. My bf is deffinitly not a player he's more jock/ popular LOL"
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"ths quiz ia awesome but kinda freaky cuz i got N-T and my bfs name is Tony weird haha"
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"Omg great quiz I got T which is the letter of my boyfriends name!!"
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"whoa i got 87 lol ddidnt expect tht "
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"LOL I got 100% LOL"
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"76% lol how old is this guy anyway?????"
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"i dont get tht at all???????"
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"one hundred!!!!!!"
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"100% baby o ya"
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"hey ur wrong kevin is not married he is engaged which r different so ya "