Hogwarts Love Story Part 3 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Love Story Part 3.
@natuhleegayle,Lol, you died in a good way I hope?! When i write it I always have the book beside me!
@Jayla, thank you! Part 4 coming soon ^_^
@horsecatluver , don't worry my friend, you will have your 'Ron' moments!
@Bluebird ,You will also have some 'Draco' moments, don't worry!!
@Freeze, Glad you're liking Oliver! Maybe you should get used to it! ;)
@xxblutixx,Haha , I agree Oliver is adorable! Glad you liked it ^_^
Love it! I'm not particularly an Oliver fan but I still liked it. I'm more of a Draco fan girl. Loved it anyways and can't wait until the next one and as always, I'll be looking.
Bluebird1 -
This was too cute! I love how you got the first few scenes spot on from the movies! When you wrote Oliver bit his lip and looked down, I died. I can't imagine that. Oh Gosh, Oliver. :$ Can't wait for the next!
I prefer Georgie-Boy but Freddie's hotter. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now.
Dia_331 -
Loving the Oliver ;) I could get used to this. You have a great series! Can't wait until the next part!
Freeze1 -
My result, Oliver wood. My second result, (second to top) Fred/george. I woild think i'd b better as one of them. Anywyz, awesome quiz!!
Oliver is soo cute X3 and haha Professor Trelawny good description of the Divination class :P
Amazing! Can't wait for part 4
Jayla1 -
I keep getting Harry. BUT I DON'T LIKE HARRY, I WANT THE TWINS!! ;-) ps. Great quiz!
i got the twins...i wanted harry.
jjjcutie1 -
Part 4 is out!
*Fangirl scream* RON!!! *Jumps up and down* LOL. Please make part four!!!
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got Oliver of coures. -.- I can't spell-.- I'ma VAMPIER BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!
i keep getting oliver wood YESSSSSSSSSS !
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