Who in Hogwarts has a secret crush on you? (Boys edition) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Who in Hogwarts has a secret crush on you? (Boys edition).
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 89%
Draco is a bad boy of the series, and it seems like he has the most fan girls. His type wouldve probably been someone intelligent, independent and loyal, who would give him the love that he needed.
72% Tom Riddle
59% Severus Snape
57% Fred&George Weasly
49% Ron Weasly
46% Cedric Diggory
41% Harry Potter
28% Neville LongbottomLike it!! But why did you put snape in there!?!
Your Result: Harry Potter 74%
The chosen would choose you. Yay. He is a brave and loyal and will do anything for the people he loves. He would probably look for a partner that reminded him of his mother Lily who was a kind and caring person.
68% Tom Riddle
63% Neville Longbottom
59% Severus Snape
57% Ron Weasley
57% Draco Malfoy
51% Fred&George Weasley
19% Cedric Diggory
Ok then... He's cool igLol_1111 -
Your Result: Severus Snape 91%
Ouf, I mean, daddy issues? Be careful because if you're his type... than you know... Just good luck, really, good luck. Um... But I guess that means that you kind of look or act like Lily Potter?
83% Ron Weasley
77% Draco Malfoy
76% Tom Riddle
60% Fred&George Weasley
50% Neville Longbottom
31% Harry Potter
24% Cedric DiggoryCalled me out on the daddy issues part though like damn not wrong I also kinda like snape as well so it's a win win
Your Result: Fred&George Weasly 93%
The Weasly twins are well known for their pranks. Their type is probably someone who is a good joker and likes to have fun. So which one will you choose?
86% Neville Longbottom
76% Harry Potter
71% Severus Snape
71% Tom Riddle
67% Ron Weasly
41% Draco Malfoy
36% Cedric DiggoryI choose Freddie!!! Snape... it's a hard pass love. And could you show Tom and Draco the way out? thanx!
mills1 -
Your Result: Ron Weasley 74%
Ron is very brave and kind, but he's not really responsible. So he needs a person, who will keep him on track of what's happening. Someone, who is intelligent, hardworking, and believes in him.
Damn, I'm also irresponsible. This won't work out well.
Dia_331 -
Same..... If i were in hp life I would have a crush on harry potter!( I did other quiz and it said harry potter has a secret crush on me!!!) It doesn't matter about looks it matters about personality that's why i have crush on harry potter!
I got Neville first, then Draco, then the twins!!
*side eyes* OH HELL NAH
OMG SAMEE (besides Draco)
Hello am new
Why did you just put that? XD
Yay i got Ron for my first the Twins second and Draco Third
hamnar832 -
I've got draco*Cry in snake language*
why cry
What u mean why cry! Ain't he evil * Don't answer! haven't finished the series*
I got Draco <3
no but where is the girls edition 3
that was supposed to be a broken heart ugh
I got Ron Weasly. I got Draco Malfoy as my second one and then Harry.
Draco Malfoy- 91% 😍
harry 0-0
Cedric diggory than Tom Riddle, bro severus has a bigger crush on me than Harry and Ron
Ceiling1 -
Draco yeah Ive had a crush on him for awhile now
Same..... exept with harry potter. i did quiz and harry potter has crush on me!
Omg Draco
We'll become enimies cause harry has a crush on me
please check out the forums! you can find them towards the bottom of the home page! <3
I got the twinssss yayayayayay
i got harry yay!!! :)
omg i remember you
i got harry potter 0-0
Aye bae
D-draco? 0/////////0 OH s--- I NEED TO RUN
you know what he be doin doee....
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