How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 11
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
My OC is named Wildblossom. as an app, she fell in love with a kittypet, named Moon (later Wolfmoon), and eventually brought him to Shadowclan and begged for him to join. They eventually became warriors together, and had 4 kits. They are in Shadowclan right now, Wildblossom now deputy!
My OC is Sunstreak. A she-cat from ThunderClan far after the warriors series. She is light ginger with dark tabby stripes. she's strong and brave and set on avenging the death of her father Servalfang who was about to become leader when he mysteriously died the night before the journey, his deputy Silvergaze took over as leader and since ThunderClan went crazy. Deaths of cats with no outside scent on there pelts every few moons and the warrior code means nothing inside their territory where the other clans cant see them, they fight over prey, agressive to clanmates, constantly in fights ect. Sunstreak as an apprentice, Sunpaw, and her mentor, who was changed from Owleyes to Pineheart, work together with Tallkit who accidentally overheard them talking while hiding from a fight to find the murderer. after Tallpaw's apprentice ceremony, getting apprenticed to Sunstreak, they are talking in Sunstreaks den, her brother Barktail overhears and joins there group, Tallpaws sister Moonpaw had followed Barktail, her mentor, and joined as well.
Pineheart is Sunstreaks mate secret to the whole clan until Sunstreak starts showing she's expecting kits. when there bourn, Rushkit, Leopardkit and Hazelkit, Rushkit looked like Pineheart as a kit and everyone guessed him as the father. after Silverstar is killed Fallensnow refuses to take the leader position in front of Mooncove and makes her new deputy, Pineheart, take her place. he makes Sunstreak his deputy. Sunstreak is about to die at the paws of Silverstar in the Dark Forest when Servalfang's spirit saves her and she returns to life in time to save her kits, apprentices now, from a rock slide during the earthquake.
she is prepaired to die, telling Pinestar, Rushpaw, Leopardpaw and Hazelpaw she's ready and just after she dies, within a day she is brought back to her body just before its buried. somehow Pinestar had saved her life by giving his second to last life to her. later Pinestar dies at the paws of Silverstar in the Dark F
My oc is Oaktail, who was forced to be a med cat but ended up enjoying it. After a huge war, he had to find a way to save the moonstone. While the moonstone was cracking, a kit came out (idk how) and kept saying "Their mad" and "they want you dead" and stuff like that.
Five`fox is my OC she's a shadowclan cat, she was neglected when she was still a kit thus her given name being Five. another oc [whom i shall not talk about here] who's a bloodclan member decided to take Five in and train her for his own selfish intention
I Have WAY too many OCs But my favorite OC that I use in roleplays is DiamondStar (Formerly DiamondSong) She is a grey cat with black ears and her entire tail is black as well. She also has white paws, muzzle, chin, and blaze. And she has dark blue eyes. She had a sister who was named SnowPetal a white cat with a pale gray muzzle, chin, blaze, and front right paw. Her eye color was cyan. DiamondSong was determined to become a warrior. She played fight with her sister and always won. She then became an apprentice and her mentor was LeafWillow a pale grey She-Cat with dark grey ears. And she also had amber eyes. When DiamondPaw was 9 moons old, she got taken away from BC. She was scarred on the right side of her body. Luckily her mentor saved her. The medicine cat said that DiamondPaw will have the scar for life. DiamondPaw was a fast learner and payed attention to lessons. She then became a warrior at 12 moons old. She was then gifted her new name, DiamondSong for how beautiful her singing was. Her singing attracted a tom named SunDust a Golden-yellowish tabby. They mated when DiamondSong was 21 moons old. She had kits at 23 moons old. She had 3 kits. She named them DaisyKit an all white She-Cat with a yellowish tail tip. Her second kit was named DarkKit a black Tom with a grey tail tip, and grey right paw. Her third kit was named BarkKit an all brown Tom with a pale cream muzzle, blaze, and chin. When her kits were all grown up, She became deputy at 43 moons old. But then BarkKit who became BarkThorn caught Greencough and died. SunDust and DiamondSong grieved for a couple of days. Soon, the leader of ThunderClan got killed by a badger and DiamondSong became DiamondStar. She chose her deputy and she picked RobinPelt a brownish-grey She-Cat with an orangish underbelly and white paws. DiamondStar entered the dark forest and survived. Her deputy died by a ShadowClan cat in a battle and she had to pick another deputy. She then picked her mate, SunDust. She is still leadi
SoftHeart's Story:
SoftHeart was a white Tom cat with a fluffy tail with a pale grey tip, green eyes, pale grey paws, and his underbelly was pale grey as well. His siblings were DaisyMist and SilverSong. His parents were SunFeather and BurntFur. SoftHeart was very kind and loved his family deeply. His dream was to become a medicine cat but the leader would not let him. His only option was to become a warrior. When he was 6 moons old, he was ready to become an apprentice. His mentor was IronHeart. IronHeart was evil and taught SoftPaw bad things. SoftPaw knew the thinks he learned were wrong. He told the leader and then IronHeart got banned from Thunderclan. SoftHeart earned his warrior name by helping lost kits find their way home from Riverclan. He battled the cats on his own and the leader rewarded him by making him a warrior. SoftPaw then mentored a little but strong apprentice named ClawPaw. SoftHeart was so proud of ClawPaw when he became a warrior. ClawPaw was renamed ClawScar as the scar on his eye was a symbol of bravery from defending the elders. But then one day SoftHeart found his long lost sister SilverPaw who was now called SilverSong. SilverSong tricked SoftHeart into coming to the unknown part of the forest. When SoftHeart arrived there with SilverSong, SilverSong quickly killed SoftHeart by pouncing on him and biting and clawing him endlessly. But now, SoftHeart watches over DaisyMist from Starclan. As he is proud for DaisyMist since she killed SilverSong.
My OC is DaisyMist but right now she is an apprentice and is called DaisyPaw. Her Mom is SunFeather and her dad is BurntFur. Her siblings are SilverSong and SoftHeart. SilveSong joined Shadowclan when she was 10 moons old. In the future, SilverSong killed DasyMist's whole family. Luckily DaisyMist killed SilverSong. DaisyMist's Mentor is SmallStep. SmallStep is kind and loves DaisyMist as if she was her child. When DaisyMist became a warrior, SmallStep died from Greencough. DaisyMist also became an elder in the future. But before that when we was a young warrior, she had an apprentice of her own called GracePaw. GracePaw then became a warrior and was renamed GraceTail. Btw DaisyMist has blue eyes, yellowish back paws, light brown front paws, light brown tail tip, yellowish right ears, light brown left ear, and the rest of her body is pure white.
Btw her death was caused by sacrificing herself to protect GraceTail.
Nice OC!
My OC is Birdwind she's a lesbian and her mate, Featherfall is also a lesbian, duh. But there story is pretty happy! Some parts are pretty bad like,
Feather had to go on a small mission that made her leave the camp when she comes back, so do some awful cats and they attack them leaving an awful scar on Bird's leg. They take in some kits that didn't have a home because the mother died.
My OCs name is Snakestalker! Yes she is in a prophecy but after she fufils it she pretty much becomes a background character, like Firestar. She is a highly respected warrior, even though her and her sister, Swiftwind, are in a bad place with each other. She goes to help some rouges, a small family. A mother and Father named Dice and Sparky, and their three kits, Claw, Streak, and Flutter. When TunnelClan (her clan) comes to rescue her, they kill Flutter, Dice and Sparky. She is forced to leave Claw and Streak to survive on their own. In the next couple of moons, Snakestalker and Swiftwind's quarrels turn into physical violence, and Snakestalker is in a half-clan relationship with a MarshClan tom named Newttail. When she get exiled by TunnelClan for expecting half-clan kits and rejected by MarshClan, she roams the streets of Twolegplace. She runs into two rouges named Fox and Slate, they take Snakestalker to their leader. Guess who it is? It's Claw (wow who knew). She gives birth to four kits. One dies, who she named Ginger in honor of her mother, Gingerpelt, who was killed right in front of Snakestalker as a kit. She names the other three Elm, Myrtle, and Fluffle. Myrtle and Fluffle want revenge on the clans. Elm just doesn't want to kill cats. When the final battle comes, Snakestalker fights for the clans, and Elm joins her. Elm kills his sister Fluffle. And Snakestalker kills Claw, the cat she helped raise. She is welcomed back to TunnelClan by their new leader, Stripestar. A cat name Heatspring has a small group of cats who are against Snakestalker. Elmpaw gets an apprentice name and is mentored by Maplewater, Snakestalker's father. Myrtle eventually also joins TunnelClan and is apprenticed to Bristleclaw, Snakestalker's brother. So that's pretty much her story.
My OC's name is Weaselfur and he is awesome and he has a brother named Stormheart. Starclan gave them powers because they are part of a prophecy! Weaselfur can understand every species kinda like Midnight!
Lokitten1 -
Now SilverSong's Story:
SilverSong is a pale grey She-cat with dark grey back paws and blue eyes. Her siblings were DaisyMist and SoftHeart. Her parents were SunFeather and BurntTail. When she was an apprentice, she was naughty and caused lots of trouble. Her parents would scold at her when she was behaving bad. She was jealous of her siblings who seems to be treated better. When she was 10 moons old, she left Thunderclan and wanted to join a different clan. All the clans ejected her except Shadowclan. They accepted her and SilverPaw stayed there.When she became a warrior, she was given the name SilverSong since she loved singing. But then one day she wanted revenge on her family. So she left camp and went to look for her family. She found SoftHeart sitting alone and told him to meet her at an unknown part of the forest. She lied to him and said she was gone because she was taken away from rogues. SoftHeart felt bad for SilverSong and followed her. When the arrived, SilverSong pounced on SoftHeart and killed him. Next she aimed for her mom SunFeather. She told the same lie to her mom and said that the could watch the view from the nearby cliff. Her mom agreed and after a few second looking at the view, SilverSong stood up and pushed her mom towards the cliff. SunFeather acted quick and used her claws to hang from the cliff. SilverSong laughed and left her mother there. SunFeather could not take it anymore and she fell to the rocky ground and died. Next SilverSong aimed for her father BurntFur. This time when SilverSong found her dad, she readied her claws. BurntFur knew that she was going to attack so he growled and showed his fangs. They then leaped at each other and scratched bodies. SilverSong moved quickly and bit her dad's chest and her teeth reached his heart. BurntFur quickly died after that. Finally SilverSong was going to kill DaisyMist. When she found her, she told her she killed SoftHeart, BurntFur, and SunFeather. DaisyMist was shocked. SilverSong then
SilverSong then scratched DaisyMist on the cheek. DaisyMist was furious and after a fierce battle, DaisyMist finally killed SilverSong.
I guess that makes SilverSong go to The Dark Forest
My oc is named coyote storm. Hes the deputy of wind-clan. Hes a fluffy tan-and faded ginger Tom.Hes gentle,and kind yet brave ,and loyal.He got a 72% although his pattern is common. My strong/gentle boi got be 72%. Idk how but he did!
My oc is a Bengal and main coon mix named Snakestrike, she is a female cat from the snake clan, a clan which is the temple of the winged serpent Quetzalcoatl. She is a shaded dark gray with black spots like a jaguar from his mother, which helps her to hide underground or in the temple.
She is a Warrior cat but with the blessing of Quetzalcoatl before she passes the snake test, when a rattlesnake doesn’t attack her like the others in the test. She likes to be alone and doesn’t like gatherings, too many cats for her likes, very close to her brothers Windtail and Sour Leaf, but her sister Waterlily is too obnoxious and vocal, even for a future medical cat.
She will explore the temples looking at the old writings on the walls or the oldest treasures, trying to understand the old gods and the star clan.
Assia0 -
My OC is named PaintedDreams they were originally from RiverClan but got taken by ShadowClan because they were low on warriors. Quickly, she became an apprentice, and the leader was their mentor. MarsStar. He was very abusive and manipulative. Eventually she became a warrior, and decided to make a plan to run away. Which worked. She ran to WindClan, and was welcomed by the leader. Despite random cats picking on her, she made a friend there. The med. CarvedDaffodil. PaintedDreams got along with her quite well, after being in WindClan for about a day or two, ShadowClan snuck up on WindClan and attacked them. Dragging PaintedDreams back with them. At that point she was fed up with everything and just avoided everyone. She came up with another plan. It was to get in close with MarsStar, become the deputy, and eventually kill him. He was already only at 1 life, so it wasnt to hard. The plan worked and she became the deputy. One day she went out to go hunting, and bumped into the leader. MarsStar had killed her childhood best friend from RiverClan, BlossomingQuartz. She snapped. Attacked the leader and killed him. One of the Warriors from ShadowClan watched the whole thing happen from the bushes. BlackSpots. PaintedDreams confronted him and threatened him so that he wouldnt tell anyone. When PaintedStar got back, she picked BlackSpots to become the deputy. Just give him something so there is less of a chance that he would tell anyone.
Blah blah blah, stuff happens, people die, and PaintedStar becomes a god, and creates her own religion :D.
That actually a lot of cats are apart of.
Its not some sort of cult, its like the cats believing that after they die they will become ghosts that other cats apart of the religion can see, and they will all help the Saints (yes there are saints, randomly a cat is born that has a very strong connection to the ghosts, and can use them to help defend themselves.)
I sW
My OC`s Name is Beat`Star. (Beat`Snap) They are one of the many cats i have to think about in my Warrior Cats inspired story(ies).
They are the new leader of MapleClan, a very young one too. The only reason to that is that the previous leader (who was vicious and mean) died of a "wolf-attack" when he left camp for a few minutes.
His main fur is white, with red-ish orange large splotches all over him. Some are accompanied by stripes.
They are very loyal, kind, and warm. Since he has no mutual reputation among the clan, all the clan cats think of him as a deputy still, which is kind of odd.
I dont have anymore lore cause its pretty new lol.
My OC is LemonHeart, first known as LemonStripe.
He's a light yellow tom with darker yellow stripes on his back, tail tip, ears, and backpaws. he also has 3 little stripes under his right eye that kinda look like lemon slices. i think that makes it obvious why lemon is in his name.. ._.
He is very loyal towards his clan and thinks that the weak or those that cant/wont fight poison the clan. he murders his brother applekit when they are almost 6 moons because applekit doesnt want to fight (he would have become a med cat). his siter died at birth and his father drowned after falling off of a cliff. he doesnt grieve for them tho. he's kind towards his clanmates and his mothers judgement is everything for him. he secretly killed off alot of cats from his clan, even the med apprentice. when he is about to be nammed deputy, his mother stops the clan leader and reveals everything that lemonstripe has done, causing the leader to rename his lemonheart, due to his bitter heart, and banishes him. from there on i dont have much story :/
I said I wasn't gonna post it but SCREW IT, why not? This is one of my docs from my clan, each with their own backstory
The thing is, I haven't gotten a design for her or a name yet... names take me a while cause I always want them to be special, earned, and fitting.
SO I will call her (as a place holder) Soaringwish. She starts as an apprentice under a new and quite young leader who took over winning a war with another clan. She is the only surviving kit of her litter, kittens dying is unfortunately a common occurrence in this clan.
She wasn't really close with either of her mother and never knew her father, who died during a attack from Coyotes to keep his litter safe.
Souringpaw was very close with a tom we'll call Flyingpaw. The two are marching to their first battle and the first battle under the new leadership. The two apprentices are optimistic and joking, excited about defending their clan.
However the battle doesn't go well. Cats are horribly hurt, the clan is scattered, unorganized and tired.
Flyingpaw and Soaringpaw are ones of many that lay bleeding out in the dips of the battlefield, along with many warriors and apprentices alike. The cats don't share words, but an understanding of the situation, and they wait to be carried back to camp.
But the clan flees.
And they don't come for them.After a while the cats realize that they were abandoned. They're not making it back to camp. Nor tomorrow. Slowly one by one cats around them give up, even Flyingpaw. No one will save him. So there's no point in trying. He closed his eyes, and slept. But he was suprised when his eyes opened in the morning.
You see, Souringpaw thought differently and got up from the dips to find any sort of herbs.
She treated Flyingpaw first.
The two were the only ones alive. Even if Souringpaw had tried to save them. But she was no medicine cat.
The two apprentices, despite a growl of protest from Souringpaw, made their way back home. Their clan's land, however
is huge. And dangerous. In a jungle-like territory with cave systems deep in the ground, winding rivers, glowing waters, twoleg statutes and monuments overgrown with plants, hanging flowers, and hollowed out dens and rocks, and predators. Lots of them.
The way back is a long hard journey, Soaringpaw in the lead. It seemed, whatever trouble they ran into, Soaringpaw was the only one who did anything about it. Flyingpaw simply would give up.
When the cats were close to camp, they found a creature. A large one... a cat? They could talk to them. They were large brown creatures with long fur, huge paws, ear tufts atop their ears, and had stubby tails.
They offered them a place away from clan territory, a place away from war, away from those who had abandoned them. The latter was itresting to Soaringpaw while the former was interesting to Flyingpaw.
But Soaringpaw couldn't come, the creatures said. She was too hurt. She would only slow them down.
Flyingpaw took the creatures aside and explained that while he loved the offer, he couldn't abandon his friend or his clan.
Soaringpaw, filled with trust issues from her clan abandoning her, Knew Flyingpaw was giving her up. She started to walk away when Coyotes attacked. The huge creatures had disappeared.
Soaringpaw defended her friend in a moment of instinct, leaving her to be thrown in a river by one of them.
Flyingpaw raced after her friend, thinking it was over when his clanmayes appeared driving off the Coyotes and saving Soaringpaw.
The two were rushed to camp, met with yowls of love and exsitment. Soaringpaw didn't feel their joy. In the medicine den, Flyingpaw didn't visit her once. She felt even more betrayed. Surrounded by strangers that didn't come back for her.
The middle of the story isn't ad fleshed out, she spends her time in recovery and learning to trust some cats and spending her life to train and fighting battles. Wanting the war to end so she can experience the clan the elders keep talkin
Phantasy0 -
talking about. Flyingpaw however, has been caught sneaking away from the battlefield, has never stepped into the medicine den, even when hurt, and never did battle training. Ever. He made sure to be with Soaringpaw in anyway he could but the two no longer mixed. Soaringpaw always was talking about the war. Or other cats.
Soaringpaw soon became a warrior, Soaringwish honored for her dedication amd hope in midst of the war. She was littered with scars. Heavy ones. Once the medicine cat had to burn her leg closed, as she was bleeding out and would die within minutes, as the med could see her leg bone.
Now in the final battle she fights with everything she has. And they win. The clan rejoices and Flyingpaw joins them... not a scratch of him. He didn't fight. Now he pretends that he can get credit?
When their alone they have a huge agument. Saying that Flyingpaw never cared for anyone! At all! He is a disgrace to the clan and should have gone with the creatures! She fought before they had won, but he had fled the feild.
Flyingpaw yowls back saying that he can't stand fighting. It hurts him, makes him sick, he has really bad PTSD from it. He says that the war has hurt her too, she gave her life to everyone else, cause they proved that she wasn't good enough to fight for. Because she's kind. He begs her to just let it go back to the way it was. They can be friends, maybe even more! They can pretend none of this ever happend.
Soaringwish slashes Flyingpaw across his face and his old scar. Deep. She yowls at him, saying that all her efforts were NOT going to be ignored. They were changed, nothing was going to 'be the same' she hates him for leaving, for giving up. He's a Coward. He can't fight for himself. He doesn't deserve to celebrate.
She runs off, not wanting to admit that he was right about her.
There is much more to the story but that's where their MAIN story ends, the plot would continue along with them but that's the jest of it! Let me know if
Phantasy0 -
you have any questions, or feedback! Or lore about the clan as it is very diffrwnt from normal warriors while having the backbone! The other clans find it weird how diffrent their way of life is!
My ocs name is Halfflower, a 19 moons old maine coon she-cat with very light greyish brown/light lilac(?) fur, a dark brown cape, tail tip and rounded stripes on her side and face and a white underbelly, neck and muzzle/cheeks with blue + yellow eyes
Halfflowers mother, Wolfsong, was exiled from BirchClan while she was pregnant for killing one of her clanmates, thinking that they killed her mate. Eventually Half (Dark, at the time), and her brothers, Hawk and Sand were born, but Halfs mother was still grieving over her mates death, thus rendering her unable to care for her kits. No matter how hard Dark and her brothers tried to cheer her up, it never worked, and soon, Wolfsong had enough. She couldn't keep her kits, but she didnt know anyone who could take care of them, so she left them near a badger set and left. The badger soon found Dark, Hawk, and Sand. It killed Sand, and Dark ran away, knowing she was probably next since Hawk abandoned them. She found herself in AlpineClan territoty and was taken in as a prisoner (she was about old enough to be an apprentice and was pretty big for her age), but was then accepted as an AlpineClan apprentice and renamed Halfpaw after she helped them when the camp was attacked. Half was a very skilled hunter and fighter, using trees to her advantage. Because of her fur, she hunts well during leafbare cuz she can blend in with leafless trees and the snow. Soon she earned her warrior name (Halfflower) after a small group of badgers raided their camp. Half had a very strong hate for badgers, and many cats were injured or killed, but while Half was in the medicine den, she caught herself frequently looking at the medicine cat, Kestrelheart. She felt like she had a bit of a crush on the tabby she-cat. Eventually, Half, wanting to become stronger to defend her Clan, started to train in the Dark Forest. Very few suspected her, and her crush on Kestrelheart started to grow stronger. A fee noons later a war with EagleClan was waged. Half
My oc's reference sheet:
Clan: Thunderclan
Role: Warrior
Skills: Smells, sight, great with herbs
Death: GreencoughA mysterious, graceful, sweet and understanding white tom with light gray patches and brown spangles and amber eyes.
my oc is RustThistle imma sumup this storu for short. shes a darkclan warrior her parents clearly loved her younger sister way more. she was impulise and loved to battle for her clan she killed som cat she dint mean too and evrey cat became untrustig of her and blamed her for her best freinds death since she was last seen with her and she was played to be evil and was drived out she eventuly became eader of some rouges and took over the three clans so no cat can be judged like her. she was drived out and a diffreny evil cat convinced her to drive out the clan cats with the dark forest but she turned on them in the battle remebering her loyalty to the clans
My OC is called BlackPaw, she is a small floofy and fully black apprentice. She was found from a bush when she was really small and got adopted to river clan. She is really sweet and kind but lonely. She is 8 moons old.
Btw my friend made BlackPaw for me
-But stil, fought, she didnt want to be leader and eventually moved to riverclan and became mated with onyxflare, moons passed and chinchillastar died of green cough, onyx flare had been deputy after the battle where the old deputy had died in, so he was now Onyxstar. (I didnt realize that it cut off the first time, sorry if its a bit lazy xd)
EchoSong1 -
My OC's name is Willowstream. She is mostly orange with spots of black and white along her tail. She's currently an apprentice, at 8 moons but is proving her worth and will most likely become a warrior soon. She's easily angered and often runs off with her best and VERY close friend, Fawnpaw, to the Dark Forest to train. She's accidentally killed a Dark Forest cat. The other cats congratulated her on it.
Willowpaw, right? Also, killing a dark forest cat as an apprentice is one thing. But on accident? That's a little... or very unreal. Why is she easily angered? How did her and Fawnpaw become close friends? Just some questions you should ask yourself while making an OC.
My OCs name is Softpaw. They are male and were always judged by their soft and fluffy appearance. They are very feisty and angry, however. They are white with light brown markings.
BeepGhy1 -
My oc is LynxWhisker, he is a chimera cat with heterochromia,When kit, Lynxkit was caught by a hawk, lynxkit was originally from the shadowclan, and half clan, which was shadowclan and windclan,His Windclan father, Foxbite, refused Nightwillow's kits (LynxWhisker's mother, Shadowclan she-cat),she says that the kits are from the leader of the shadowclan, StrikeStar, where he believes in his companion,LynxWhisker's other older half-siblings,When the hawk takes lynxkit to Thunderclan territory, the hawk scratches lynxkit's face (scar like Snowtuft)A Thunderclan patrol saves Lynxkit, and Lynxkit adopts a queen who has lost her kits.As an apprentice, Lynxpaw fights in the Black Forest alongside Flameclaw (if you want I can talk about him)Lynxpaw kills MossFur in the dream, causing the real-life MossFur to die,As a warrior, LynxWhisker falls in love with SunShine, and has 3 kits, Sunkit, one similar to LynxWhisker but the orange part is more golden,Goldenkit a golden spotted kit and Shadowkit a kit as black as night,But MoonBreeze loved LynxWhisker long before SunShine, ever since when they were both kits and Moonkit introduced the clan to Lynxkit,But on a patrol on the thunderpath, SunShine dies after being run over by a monster,LynxWhisker is shaken, but MoonBreeze approaches LynxWhisker,And so CoalTail and WillowSight were born from LynxWhisker and MoonBreeze, but in a fire CoalTail goes into the fire and comes back with hairless parts,On a patrol on the thunderpath, LynxWhisker tries to catch a sparrow but goes into the thunderpath, when a monster comes at high speed, a smoky lead gray Kittypet named Smoke saves LynxWhisker,They both fall in love, and DawnFace, ashFace, StormStipe, maplefall/star, FrozenCrow, FireFoot, FlameThroat were born,LynxWhisker becomes a male cat (yes, he is transgender) when he becomes a congressman at age 6, 2 kits are born from Heartpool, a female healer of Thunderclan, FlourishKit and Lynxkit (not LynxWhisker) but unfortunately FlourishKit
Rest: but unfortunately FlourishKit dies of weakness and Lynxkit grows up with his half-siblings,Lionkit and Halfkit, who later become HalfWhisker, LionSoul and lynxHeart, lynxHeart leaves Thunderclan to stay in a Subclan called Lynxclan,And 2 moons after FlourishKit died, Heartpool literally kills himself with deathberries, while attending to LynxWhisker, who was passed out but could see everything but could do nothing,And one of LynxWhisker's kits, ShadowSpirit, a kit named MintTooth, was abandoned by his own mother and left for ShadowSpirit to care for alone when MintTooth was just born,That was it!