The Religious Identity Test | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Religious Identity Test.
"Matter" is just something that people with wrong beliefs feel. As long as they change their beliefs, they will enter a completely different world and dimension, and that dimension has a very great state.
Materiality occupies a very small place in my life. I live in a profound realm unknown to others……
Matter is just something small, an imperfect simulation of a higher spiritual world...that higher world is real, matter is just a distorted projection of the Supreme Reality.
I certainly have the ability to live extensively in other worlds outside of matter... I have psychic vision and can use energy, and have successfully summoned gods and spirits many times…God is not far away at all, more real and closer than matter.
Braag1 -
Well...I consider myself similar to a Semitic polytheist...believe in the God of the Bible and believe there are multiple gods who are different aspects of the same God of Gods...are a syncretist and believe most religions are reliable (although sometimes things cause revelation to be lost...but God will replace it with the same revelation)...
I hate atheism and materialism very much. Matter does not exist... I am more inclined to adopt traditional world view and traditional natural philosophy (such as ancient Greek natural science and medieval natural science). I don't really believe in "modern science" but I feel that some reasonable content is inherited/copied from Renaissance mystics.
I am an Emanationist... but I do not exclude the possibility of intelligent design and theistic evolution - the latter two should be useful metaphors.
Atheism is obviously wrong and absurd. Nothing exists except God. God is the only reality and the essence of all things.The physical world is just an illusion - and most of my daily life is not even in the physical world
I am also a strong fatalist, believing that time is in the hands of God and that many things (especially historical events) have mysterious meanings...
I often post various mythological comparisons and... "conspiracy theories" in the chat group (I regard this word more as a complimentary word, but I still put it in quotation marks to show that I believe in them very much)…
I hate atheistic materialism! Obviously, nothing exists except God... and I love tradition, and I love pre-modern worldviews and histories, I love ancient Greek learning... and I love medieval politics... (Hmm... I feel like I'm getting off topic here...)
Of course Religion is important and is the core purpose of the world (and the universe)!It is necessary to establish a theocratic rule, but it is better to have a system in which different religions implement theocratic rule separately...similar to the Millite system of the Ottoman Empire, but s
Braag1 -
I guess in a humanist!
You are probably a humanist. You approach the world from a natural standpoint, giving little weight to organized religion or traditional dogma and creed. You value reason and experience over superstition and supernatural beliefs. In identifying yourself, you would be inaccurate if you described your religious beliefs as Christian or as consistent with any revelation-based belief system.
I got 96% humanist. I respect that others think there is some kind of god but in all honesty you are just stupidly hoping and you want all the bad youve done to be forgiven. Religion is manipulative and an excuse. I dont like when its pressured to me that God is real, it makes me even more likely to not believe.
ur even smarter.
"You were probably thinking of Baptists when you said that. They are mean, hypocritical, and too head-strong. THEY are the intolerant ones. THEY are the ones who think only THEIR way is the right way."
Now, who is being hypocritical? I am a Baptist and I have never met anyone at any one of the several churches I've attended who think this way. A Baptist is a Christian just like the others. We don't judge. Judgment is left to God. Can you say the same thing. You're a hypocrite and you don't even see it.
socko2 -
As a person of morality and good faith i co-exist with my fellow human beings. I see life as it is today people have lost their way. Religion and law have been laid to rest. It's up to the last few who have empathy and any hope for life to prosper.We have a short time in our being to further our genetic line to prosper. After that our soul our DNA our life cycle is left to our descendants. Be what it may, our soul is in our brain our life lessons. 15 minutes of our best life is what I hope to remember forever. That is my truth, that is my spirit , that will be my legacy. God's be damned.
I'm agnostic, which pretty much means I will believe in God if He is proven to be real. One of the main reasons I dislike religion is because of all the fighting it brings. If a god does exist, I am sure he/she/it/they wouldn't want his/her/its/their creations killing each other. Also, Discovery News has a neat graph of Bible contradictions, if anyone wants to check it out. Of course, anything used by athiests will have a lot of contradictions, too.
They know their God's . they will go before them in afterlife. They don't need us to be saved or our ok to do so.
I'm retired military and I've worked around the world. I began to wonder what happens to the souls of people in the hinterlands who do not know Jesus or John 3;16, but know the God they worship and pray too. This is when I decided that just maybe God is God know matter what you call him and this worship, prayer and faith works the same way for everyone without being pigeon holed as a Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran.....(I work in Africa).
editte1 -
Christianity is a faith, not a character blemish or nationality. I'm Christian not because I'm a 'good person' or that I'm better than anybody else, nor do I REGARD myself as being better than anybody else. I'm a Christian because I believe Jesus is the Son of God, and I trust Jesus to preserve my life.
As for other religions, I've experienced treatment by those who think ALL OTHER religions should be tolerated EXCEPT Christianity.
Maybe it's because Jesus says He is the only way, and people hate having their eternal options so limited...
Zowi1 -
Simpo Jack, you sound like a true christian: intolerant and closed minded.
Jesus was a middle-eastern man who was tortured to death by an occupying western military empire - Sounds familiar?
People like you want to spend billions of Tax Dollar on War but think that Health Care, for "the least of these", is Evil.
Here you go: Matthew 25:41-46 (Repent)!
chris1231 -
I'm probably closer to other religions...many religions may influence the test results so that the result is not necessarily Christian...(although I also believe in Christ...)...
But atheism is absolutely uncompetitive. Matter does not exist at all. Spirit is the only reality that exists. Nothing exists except God...I believe that God is the ultimate true essence of everything in the universe, and that everything is a projection of a higher level.
Braag1 -
This quiz is a bunch of crap. For one thing, the statements are grouped together so that one could believe one part, but not the other part of the same sentence. There are also questions in which there ought to be a "none of the above" option (or conversely, "all of the above"?) And finally, one of the questions was listed twice. Finally, my result told me that I was mostly Humanist, with some religiosity thrown in, yet the graph at the bottom said completely the opposite! Whoever wrote this "Dave?" ought to edit this!
Skeptic1 -
I continue with response 2 out of 3:
12. Do you believe that most television evangelists are:
A Sincere preachers who are saving souls.
B Insincere con artists who take advantage of vulnerable people.
C Not sure
Comment:W hat if I don’t own a TV? Am I any less of a Christian? None the less, your answers require some discussion. A preacher, regardless of his level of sincerity (or venue), can never save anyone’s soul; only God can save souls! Therefore A is out because it has nothing to do with Christian doctrine. To say that most TV evangelists are insincere con artists may or may not be true; however, to make such a statement implies that one can see into the heart of another, which the Bible clearly states is impossible. The only clear answer is C.
I visited this page to determine what is generally considered a religion. There are supposed to be "7 tests." Islam fails some of those tests and is therefore NOT a religion. It hides as religion to infiltrate and dominate. I am atheist so have an unvarnished view of religion. Buddhism and Judaism make sense, if you want faith. The others are nonsense.
DokDream1 -
Final comment; 3 out of 3.
13. Which comes closest to your beliefs about morality and ethics?
A I tend to associate religion with morality, but I don't believe that one has to have strong religious faith to be a good person.
B Without traditional religion and a strong belief in God, one cannot live an ethical life.
C Religiosity is no indicator of one's ethical or moral character.
Comme nt:
Really, all three statements contain a degree of falsehood. True religion is adherence to rules laid down by man; following God and His will is a RELATIONSHIP, not religion! If I follow all of the tenets of a particular religion, it proves that I can follow those tenets when people are watching; it says NOTHING about my morality or ethics. Therefore, A is out. As for B, you are again associating religion with ethics. Let me make this absolutely plain; following rules and regulations says nothing about the condition of a person’s heart. The heart is where our morals and values reside. Christianity is NOT about following rules but about following the One who can change our filthy hearts and make them clean. That is why I, a committed, on fire Christian, answered C to your quiz. However, you CAN “judge†a person’s integrity, to some degree, by their actions. Therefore, even C is not entirely correct.
look, here stupid Flanders, it might have a few mistakes, but so what?, also why the heck do you put all the weird symbols, it just makes it hard to read.
I thought you might like for me to elaborate on my accusations as to the validity of your quiz (and your understanding of Christian doctrine). If so, here you go:
6. Which comes closest to your views with respect to organized religion?
A I think organized religions are very important and that the world would be filled with immorality without them.
B I believe organized religions do some good but also cause much needless division in the world.
C Organized religions are leftover evidence of the human tribal instinct. Nowadays they do much more harm than good
T o believe that B is the best answer in no way makes one any less Christian. In fact, religion is an invention of man, not God. To think that A is the best answer is to ignore the fact that the world IS ALREADY filled with immorality! Also, an answer of A could very easily be interpreted as blind subjugation to a manmade institution, rather than thoughtful, voluntary subjugation to God. Any religion is a product of man and cannot be placed on the same level as God! C is the worst and least accurate of all three options.
Here is MY answer: D Organized religion is usually perverted by man and sometimes is capable of corporately doing some good in the world; however, with regard to Christianity, The Holy Spirit (God) is responsible for holding the church together and inspiring the work that it does – to the degree that its members obey such leading.
Hello There, I just did my religious identity test and came out to be a humanist with a percentage of 32. I am from the middle east, from the land of Jesus. What are leading people away from Jesus's Teachings is the people who you are falsely supporting, just going to say that. European Culture destroyed and is still impacting us. Moral ethics and values taken from the west are good, but the other things are really disrupting our societies especially the christian ones into societies that are sexual and immoral.
I wish the west would just stay in the west and leave middle eastern Christians and Muslims alone. We have endured so much of your "bulls---ry" that it is affecting our societal,political,religious decisions. In the middle east, there are a lot of violations both from human rights and discrimination of all sort, but also we have a lot of good values and ethics. May God, the spirit, whatever bless your day. The world is really become a dangerous place. Everyone of you need to be really careful how you shape your life and make your decisions.
Ludovic0 -
Your Result: Somewhat humanistic, with some supernaturalism
You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian
I am happy with my result. I don't much about religion but I do know a lot about science. Scientist theory of evolution to me makes a lot sence. I'm agnostic, which pretty much means I will believe in God if He is proven to be real.
Nowadays, I've heard this quote so many times. " If you reject the bible, you will be rejected at heaven's gates". ( Is bible supposed to be capitalized? I don't know proper writing for religion) So now I'm scared I'll be rejected because I don't worship Him. Thanks guys, now I'm scared to die.
The ONLY example you might called me a 'humanist' is my LOVE for classical music [from Bach to Stravinsky & Bartok], lovd to read history & what's going on. But we humans, with exceptions, are all evil, warlike, hypocrite [includes humanists as well Flander's type of Christian fundies] & stupid. Good example: some 'liberal progressives' wanting to condemn Israel for its treatment of Palestinians YET forgetting how warlike & violent is Islam. And it was Nazis Germans who promoted antisemitism in the Islamic world, not forgetting calls to make 'war on Jews' in the Koran.
89% Christian. I don't believe in the religious leaders, but I follow God. I hate how evolution is forced upon us, but I don't go to church because the pastors are phony and money hungry, they also are racially divided. It shouldn't be a White or a Black church. It should only be a church.
wow ur smart. except evolution is real!
No Religious Test results matter, the Pope is now the decision maker on whether or not a person is a Christian or not. No other authority on earth except the Pope can decide. Please send your Money to the Vatican and he'll decide whether or not a person is a Christian or not.
Does this offend anybody?
AntiPope1 -
"You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian."
Very true. Now I just wish I could decide what to identify as.
Well, it says I'm a humanist and that' true I'm an atheist and a Buddhist. For those of you who don't think that's possible, the Buddha said nothing about believing in a God or gods. A Buddhist can certainly be an atheist.
Your quiz results
The Religious Identity Test
Your Result: Humanist 93%You are probably a humanist. You approach the world from a natural standpoint, giving little weight to organized religion or traditional dogma and creed. You value reason and experience over superstition and supernatural beliefs. In identifying yourself, you would be inaccurate if you described your religious beliefs as Christian or as consistent with any revelation-based belief system.
7% Somewhat humanistic, with some supernaturalism
0% Christian
Yay, precisely the result I was hoping for. -
You have no right to tell me I'm not a Christian based on my answers to a few questions. I live my life inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ. I simply believe all religions can lead to god, and that no one is better than anyone else. I also don't accept an entire book full of books, should be taken literally if that makes me not your version of a Christian I won't nothing to do with your brand of closed minded Christianity.
All organized religions are PHONIES! Especially the Abrahamic ones.