Vampire, Human, or Werewolf? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Vampire, Human, or Werewolf?
Werewolf, woot woot. And at Kanna: firstly, it's accepted among many scientific and theological circles alike that all humans are affected by the moon phase. Furthermore, if your suspicion were correct even despite this, the proper term is "werepyre." Thank you come again.
I don't think we should just focus on Twilight don't get me wrong it's a WONDERFUL series and I love both Edward and Jacob they are so dedicated to their hearts' wants but to get away from that fact some of us are just fans of werewolves and vampires in general ..I love the taste of blood but I also am affected by the full moon perhaps I could be a were-vampire hehe anyway this quiz rocks I just think we quiz takers should just love everything not just Twilight.
KannaSan1 -
Werewolf, sounds like me sense I am very active during the night time, mysterious, cunning, adventurous and self reliant on myself. The only downfall is I hate meat lol. Cool quiz anyways mate though I guess I could be a vegetarian werewolf xD
Zimswife1 -
I'm human. At least I know that its a fact. I can't believe this quiz made it to the top 41-100 quizez. I wish you people would stop thinking this quiz is about Twilight! Gosh! I just want to punch someone!
i got vampire. dank_juna just because you got werewolf dosent mean your jacob! why the heck does everyone think that all vampires and werewolfs have to do with twilight?just why?>:l dont get me wrong i love twilight but really why does everyone think that anymore?why twilight why did you make everone think that!?!?!?!?!?!
You said vampire girl in your username do you need a physical therapist … I’m happy to help
yes werewolf i love werewolves they are the best ever i hate vampires so this is s good match for me yea
MrsBlack2 -
Vampire. Sweet. :) Oh, and this is to Juan: Just because you got werewolf, it doesn't relate at all to stupid twilight.
edster91 -
I agree with KannaSan; I'm tired of all the Twilight quizes, and I'm tired of everyone thinking that Robert Pattinson is cute. HE IS THE UGLIEST MAN ON EARTH! Great quiz, though.
Ebillan1 -
vampire, i knew it. i like jacob tho from twilight. but i know that i act like a vampire. i like the taste of blood... oh and dank_juan if u get werewolf, that doesn't mean that ur jacob. that is pretty idiotic to think that.
oh and ppl, who r crazy obsesed with twilight. u r a freakin nerd, because twlight is soooooooo old. i only like it cause of jacob, he is so freakin HOT! i'd rather be a human, not a vampire or werewolf tho. good quiz.
I have never killed a human ever in my life
Blah0891 -
vampires rule
I'm human...just because I don't give a crap about the moon cycle? Now that's not right.
YIPPEE! i is a werewolf!!! they r soo cool!
PS. dank_juan, just because u got werewolf, don't mean anything about jacob OR twilight sooo, STFU
furr231 -
You ppl do konw that werewolves don't transform on FMS?
Got vampire :) I wanna drink blood now...>:)
Got vampire :) I wanna drink blood now...>:)
arooooooooo im a werewolf during the full moon i go 3x faster than during day light. am i a real werewolf O_o???????????
i am a humann haha but my second was werewolf. good cuz vampires=twilight and twilight sucksss. no offence to twilight lovers.
i am happy that i am a human as they have brains
are you kidding me! i got vampire! im enemies with vampires! i friggin hate vampires!
i got O-o 93% vampire 62% werewolf 45% human
hah! I'M HUMAN!! -
sweet im werewolf oh wait noooooo that means im jacob from twilight
Werewolf!!!!! yay!!!!! i LOOOOOOVE wolves and werewolves and JACOB!!!! OH HOW I LOVE JACOB!!!! HE IS SOOOOOO HOT!!!!
awsome im a warewolf those blood suckers betterget off my land it forbiden if they do they die again
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