Which BNHA boy has a crush on you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which BNHA boy has a crush on you?
Your Result: Eijiro Kirishima 78%
resultYour kind and brave personality was hard for little Kiri not to fall for! You start to notice that Kirishima has been nervous around you lately and you start to wonder if you did something wrong. Not wanting your friendship with him to end, you approach him as he is taking with Mina. You say hello and ask if you could borrow him for a moment. Mina gives you an approving look and smirks at the blushing Kirishima. You ask him if something was wrong, since he had been avoiding you. He turns away saying actually its because I-I.. I kinda have a c-crush on...you... you are very shocked at this answer, and it makes you blush furiously. What is your answer?
78% Denki Kaminari
44% Tenya Iida
44% Izuku Midoriya
43% Katsuki Bakugo
36% Shoto Todoroki
Your Result: Eijiro Kirishima 92%
resultYour kind and brave personality was hard for little Kiri not to fall for! You start to notice that Kirishima has been nervous around you lately and you start to wonder if you did something wrong. Not wanting your friendship with him to end, you approach him as he is taking with Mina. You say hello and ask if you could borrow him for a moment. Mina gives you an approving look and smirks at the blushing Kirishima. You ask him if something was wrong, since he had been avoiding you. He turns away saying actually its because I-I.. I kinda have a c-crush on...you... you are very shocked at this answer, and it makes you blush furiously. What is your answer?
85% Denki Kaminari
68% Izuku Midoriya
65% Shoto Todoroki
64% Tenya Iida
56% Katsuki BakugoI took it twice because more than one answer fit me on some of the questions but ti my surprise I got the same answer both times
TJW2 -
Your Result: Shoto Todoroki 86%
resultYour intelligence, beauty, and character has caught the eye of Shoto Todoroki! Todoroki hands you a letter asking you to meet him outside by the cherry blossom trees after school. When you arrive, he looks very nervous. He tumbled as he asks, will you go out on a date with me? You are very surprised by this and turn away, blushing. How do you respond?
81% Izuku Midoriya
67% Tenya Iida
56% Katsuki Bakugo
53% Denki Kaminari
50% Eijiro Kirishima -
Your Result: Katsuki Bakugo 78%
resultOh dear! It seems that Bakugo has a crush on you! You walk into class as of any other day. It seems quite boring, until Aizawa sensei walks out for a moment and Bakugo approaches your desk. Hey nerd, go out with me. He says. As you contemplate what is going on, you can see he is starting to get nervous. What will you reply?
Me: Yesh. Maybe. Idk.
no joke I thought I was gonna get someone else since I chose Todoroki but I didn't expect to literally get himðŸ˜
Your Result: Eijiro Kirishima 89%
84% Izuku Midoriya
81% Katsuki Bakugo
77% Denki Kaminari
76% Tenya Iida
76% Shoto TodorokiYooo, they all like me, The percentage difference is small. AHAHAHAGAHAAAAAH🗿🗿🗿
I loved it so much it was very creative I got Kirishima and Denki coming in for a close second keep up the good work
heck yeah!!!! Shoto!!
Shoto was my 3rd
shoto as well
I LOVE Bakugo bc I'm kinda mean as well so he's the perfect match for me.
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