Which my hero academia guy are you??

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hi this is the quiz I was talking about. Im gonna make a part two because I missed a few characters (it didn't let me add and more) so I'm missing four

I'm planning on making a new quiz with the villains, I kinda forgot they existed so..... yea lol. I'll make a few of those and wait for a new idea to come up. well ye injoy the quiz :D

Created by: HoomanBeing
  1. female or male ;.;
  2. are you a leader
  3. how smart????
  4. do you... do... you HOMEWORK
  5. what's your favorite color??
  6. reading is
  7. no
  8. what do you do when you are bored ;-;
  9. do you have long hair or short hair
  10. dog or cat

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Quiz topic: Which my hero academia guy am I??
