Are You a Therian/Otherkin? (Canine, Feline, Otherkin, Bird) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are You a Therian/Otherkin? (Canine, Feline, Otherkin, Bird).
Your Result: Canine therian. 83%
You are more like a canine therian.You may or may not be a therian. But your most like a canine, you could be a dog if some sort, like a wolf, golden retriever or a German Shepard, do some research as well.
24% Feline Therian.
17% Bird therian.
0% Otherkin.(P.S. what would I be if my phantom shifts I fell: snout, fuzzy ears, big paws with , fuzzy tail, (like a k9) But feel feathered wings coming from my shoulders (like something mythical), and retractable claws (like a cat) and I kinda feel like a cat and a fox sometimes (ex: I walk like a cat I want jump like a fox but also feel athletic like a cat and my tail verys most of the time it is like a k9 tail but sometimes it feels more fuzzy like a foxes, or sometimes it feels like a cats tail and my paw normally feel like a big wolfs paws but sometimes I feel like they are small like a fox or bigger than a wolfs?)
I am so confused can you help me?
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