Impossible Test | Less than 1 percent of people passed | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Impossible Test | Less than 1 percent of people passed.
You got a test score of 80%. 80%
Your results reflect a solid performance, demonstrating a good understanding of the impossible test.
You got a test score of 75%. 75%
Your results reflect a solid performance, demonstrating a good understanding of the impossible test.
Lmao, I'm pretty average here ig
You got a test score of 90%. 90%
Congratulations! You excelled in every aspect of the test, showcasing exceptional knowledge and riddles
Good quiz I liked it :)
You got a test score of 85%.
Congratulations! You excelled in every aspect of the test, showcasing exceptional knowledge and riddles.
you got a test score of 55% while you have shown promise in certain areas, there's room for improvement in others. keep up the effort!1!
wow lmao that's crazy
I thought it was impossible?
Good quiz -
i got 95%...
and good job yall...!!-
Hey it was actually a pretty good quiz I thought it was going to be impossible though
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