What Norse God or Goddess Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Norse God or Goddess Are You?
Hel,I do like the dark arts and afterlife alot. I always found death interesting as well as hell. Being able to curse others would be cool. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
Your Result: Frejya
Nice job girls. If you got this you are a super goddess. Frejya is the best goddes ever because she was the goddes of magic, love and was also a great worear so if she got angry not eaven Thor could stop her!
Loki :) personally he's actually one of my favourite gods, I dunno why but he is.
Freyja (with a lot of points towards Loki as well). Neat! She's not my favorite Norse goddess (Skadi is cooler... literally), but I do like her.
Kepler1 -
I got Loki. I've read a lot about norse gods, coz I'm swedish, and they're awesome, and if I were to guess who I'd be I'd pick Loki too. So, congrats!
OMG I GOT FENRIR!!! But technically he's not a god so it's not accurate but YOOO
I got Freyja
GlamDiva1 -
Freyja oh yeah yayy
hel. yay =\
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