ziva_ann_marie's Profile
Joined on May 20, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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ziva_ann_marie's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Frejya
Nice job girls. If you got this you are a super goddess. Frejya is the best goddes ever because she was the…"
1 -
"Your Result: You are an Unidentified Fairy!
You are so unique, you aren't any type of fairy! You can look like anything. Glowing,…"
1 -
"You are 45% likely.
It is unlikely that you will find yourself pregnant as a teenager, and it is even less likely that at the end…"
1 -
"You are 46% perfect teen child
You are like the everage teenager, you say you hate your parents and they are ruining your life at…"
1 -
"Your Result: Maci
Maci-and yourself- are the classic high school overacheivers. You are extremely athletic, have tons of friends,…"
1 -
"fond of yourself much"