Leechwife's Profile

Joined on Mar 2, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Leechwife's Quizzes
- How well do you handle annoying people?[published: Mar 09, 2012, 1 comment]
We live in a world filled with nice people who don't know how irritating they can be.……
- How random are you?[published: Mar 03, 2012, 2 comments]
When having a conversation some people try to use logic, while others are just random and fun. Randomness is……
- What will happen after your death?[published: Mar 02, 2012, 5 comments]
What will happen after you die? Most people are curious, but few know. And they few who can……
- Are you a fish, a human being or a pile of awesomeness?[published: Mar 02, 2012, 3 comments]
Not many people know this, but there are three different type of people……
Leechwife's Recent Posts
"Swedish (I'm a swede), english, and a little french."
"Sheldon explaining the rules for Rock-Scissor-Paper-Lizard-Spock: "Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizar"
"I'm an atheist too. :)"
Leechwife's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got blonde... That sucks. :(
I've recently dyed my hair red. And if I had to have another color then it would be black or maybe…"
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"I'm a black snake! :D"
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"Zero procent!! HELL YEAH! :D "
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"I got Docile Sinner, on the border off Deadly sinner. I got like 2 % on seemingly innocent, and 0 frikkin' % on pure Innocent.
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"Dude, I'm swedish. -.-
Kinda offended by that "my swedish cousin's name is maunamanauamanm (or whatever it was)"-answer. My…"
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"I got 12%. I think thats a pretty good score coz I'm not that annoying BUT I dont let people walk all over me either :)"
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"I got "You hate Justin Bieber 78 % "
Holy shiz! That means that I am 22 % retarded! :O
I have to try again, if I don't get…"
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"I got Sartre/Camus
The world is absurd. No facts govern it. We live well once we truly accept the world's absurdity. YOU give our…"
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"I got Robbie! HELL YEAH :D"
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"I got Loki. I've read a lot about norse gods, coz I'm swedish, and they're awesome, and if I were to guess who I'd be I'd pick Loki too.…"