Which Christian denomination do you belong to? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
Heck yeah! I loved this quiz.
Your Result: Baptist 81%As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.
I love this quiz!
Your Result: Episcopalian 89%As an episcopalian, you support the espicopal system and the associated church hierarchy. You believe that positions such as those of Priest and Bishop are necessary within a church, and help keep the flock on a righteous path. Despite being a Protestant denomination, in many ways your views are likely to be more in line with those of the Papacy than any of the Lutheran or reformed churches. The best known espicopal church is the Church of England, or the Anglican Church. It sees itself as being "via media", or inbetween Protestanism and Catholicism. Episcoplians are widely spread throughout the world, but of course the episcopal heartland remains in England.
Your Result: Baptist
As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.
Sweet cuz that is so true! i am baptist at heart and i have known for a while. i can't wait to turn 18 and go to a baptist church again
Many of the questions limit answers and leaves no room for balanced opinion on the question. Thus answers may not always be accurate since in some areas the options given are in themselves someone's theological and religious opinion and not solidly based on bible or theological fact. In making my choices I found it was a case of choosing a lesser 'evil' in certain instances and the end result of 'puritanical' is completely inaccurate as I have very different approach to faith and the church.... Liberal would be closer to it. I believe we should be Christians above everything and the one defining character is live a Christ centered life without being stuck in the traditional rut yet appreciating the traditions and liturgy of the church.
Mellyd2 -
Penn: I completely understood every proposition in the quiz. Are you asking the survey to be dumbed-down or should you do some homework and wonder why you don't know? The survey was written by someone who knows the different church "camps" and their main distinctives. It covered the nature of the church, salvation, Trinity, faith, atonement etc. I would encourage you to study Grudem's systematic theology to get an understanding of basic Christian doctrine and categories. No hard feelings I hope.
I feel like this quiz has very little to do with the Christian faith, which for me, is all about love. Love is not even mentioned in any of the questions or answers.
Here are my answers:
1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
Male(tho ugh the only other option is female, so those who don't fit into a binary understanding of gender are already excluded)
3. Who do you believe decides whether or not someone achieves salvation?
I don't know. My brain reads this question along similar lines as "If you have a chocolate bar and an apple in your lunchbox, what colour is your pet cat?" I mean, I like chocolate, but I don't care much for apples, and I don't even have a cat. Go figure.
4. Which of the the options below do you think best sums up the legitimate sacraments?
I find murmurs of God's grace all over the place. When I sit and do paintings. When I'm out walking my dog. When I'm drinking a beer and discussing Voltaire down at the pub. Aren't these sacraments too?
5. What are your views on church hierarchy and positions such as that of Priest, Bishop etc?
I like that Bishops get to wear funky gold hats. And the colourful scarfs priests wear are pretty cool to.
6. Do you believe in the idea of a universal church (before the Second Coming), or that people should have religious freedom to pursue their beliefs as God guides them?
Huh? I'm not sure what the second coming has to do with any of this, but I'm happy for people to connect with God (or to struggle with faith) in whatever way suits them. I'm pretty sure if I was born and brought up in a Muslim country that I'd be a Muslim.
7. Which of the following do you believe to be necessary for salvation?
See question 3 on cats and chocolate.
8. Do you believe there is any merit in infant baptism?
Yes, it brings families to
my cat white
wrong. u are a filthy heretic, u blaspheming heathen ! May the Holy C smite thou
ForDeMPLA-2 -
Dont say that! Thats extremely mean and unkind.!!!!!
GodLives4 -
Are you sure that you're a Christian? I'm not judging or pointing fingers. It just sounds like you're describing your favorite genre of movie instead of what denomination you are. These questions may not be perfect, but they cover some pretty deciding factors on which church you would fit in most at. And the belief in the Second Coming is VERY important. I mean, it's a fundamental Christian belief. Unless you're Muslim or Jewish, in which you believe Muhammed/Messiah hasn't came here first time since they believe Christ was just a man. Or a Jehovah's Witness, who believe Christ in the bible is actually a physical manifestation of the Angel Michael. If you are having this much trouble with the questions, or understanding why they're important, perhaps you should go back to squares 1&2. Do you believe in God and Christ, and have you read the Bible? If after that you still struggle with understanding or believing the importance of fundamental Christian beliefs across the different denominations, perhaps you should ask yourself if Christianity is your true belief. Or is it just a fad that you're into. Do you believe in Christ, or is it something you do because all the cool kids are doing it?
jmin891 -
I tend to agree with davymast. This has nothing to do with Christianity.
I found this very interesting since I’m a new believer - trying to find my Christian home. I had to look up some of the concepts to ge able to give any answer. But I appreciated the quiz highlighting many issues I was unaware of.
I got 87% Baptist. Which makes sense. I was thinking I might be along those lines. Although I appreciate all forms of Christianity and I listen to Catholic, Eastern Orthodox music and prayers as well as talks but a variety of other traditions. I believe the Church is the body of Christ and that it therefore has need for all different forms of Christianity. Some are the ‘eyes, others the ears’ etc.
A helpful quiz that gave me lots of food for thought as well as confirming where I might fit best within a congregation.
AliF1 -
This quiz does not understand Catholic doctrine. It assumes that we are pelagians. We are not. Catholic theology makes it clear that after baptism someone is immediately justified and if they died right then they would go straight to heaven. Works merit an increase in justification (enjoyment of the beatific vision), but they do not grant initial justification. Good works do not on their own save, and you cannot work your way into heaven. You need grace and faith that is lived in love. If you fall away, the work of repentance is needed to restore your relationship, but grace precedes every work.
Furthermore, Catholics believe that everyone has free will AND that nothing can be done without Gods grace, which always proceeds us. Without any grace we have no good, because everything good comes from God. That does not mean we are without inherent goodness. It just means the inherent goodness wounded by sinful inclination is also a grave by God endowed to us from the start.
I got Lutheran... You adhere to the theologies of Martin Luther, one of the first great figureheads of the Protestant Reformation. You believe firmly in salvation through faith alone, the issue which caused Luther to split with Rome. However, you do not accept the doctrine of predestination as it is interpreted by Calvinists, instead believing that anyone is capable of accepting God and entering Heaven. However, Lutherans do believe that all men are born sinners, and as such cannot reject sin through their own free will. Lutherans do have a broad range of views on church organisation, and while they are widely recognised as Protestants, many do not accept this grouping considering it was Luther's intention to reform the Papacy, not split from it.
JWM20211 -
Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
Your Result: Baptist 76%
As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.
Yeah I guess its true ;)
Your Result: Catholic 93%
As a Catholic, you believe in the idea of a universal church, with the Pope at its head. You believe a strong hierarchy is necessary to keep order within the church, from the priests and bishops up to the Pope himself. Your theological views are likely to be very much conservative and based on tradition. Catholics believe in seven sacraments, and that the holy communion is the literal blood and body of Christ. In addition to this, they do not accept the Lutheran view of salvation through faith alone, or Calvinist views on predestination; but instead believe that good works are an essentital part of securing a place in Heaven. As a Catholic, you are likely to share many views with episcoplians, and to an extent perhaps also Lutherans, but otherwise your hierarchy and theological beliefs distance you from the post-reformation churches.
Nice quiz, but it was a little bit hard to understand. I had to look up a lot of the terms. But I am indeed Catholic, so good job being able to spot that☺.
I didn't even understand half of what the questions actually were. This quiz needs to be reworded so all Christians understand, and put into simple language. When I finally got my answer it said I was a Calvinist. I couldn't work out how it came to that conclusion but of course words like presbytery and episcopal are not in my language and definitely not in the Word of God. I am probably a radical pentecostal so I felt duly insulted by the answer.
I agree
Really wanted to like this quiz. Unfortunately, it has some apparent problems. I was found to be a pentecostal, which is absolutely unrealistic. Not even close.
The problem lies both in the questions and in the answer options. Some questions had built-in assumptions (which were oftentimes inaccurate), and many answer options portrayed a very limited range of understanding of the topic. I was forced to leave several questions unanswered. The rest, I had to choose the answer that 'best' fit my view. So that being the case, I can understand some inaccuracy in the outcome, but pentecostal? Yikes.
I like the idea of this quiz, but I just think it needs some work.
JDR1 -
Fun quiz! Im not even Christian (Im pagan) but I wanted to see if my moms Methodist teachings stuck, and they seemed to pretty well! 88%! That being said lots of the questions didnt have answers that I wanted, like how to achieve salvation (which I'm assuming is going to heaven after you die) you NEED faith? I like to think the Christian God puts more emphasis on love, and kindness, and being a good person than whether or not you follow Jesus. But anywho! Good to know! :D
Your Result: Catholic 85%
As a Catholic, you believe in the idea of a universal church, with the Pope at its head. You believe a strong hierarchy is necessary to keep order within the church, from the priests and bishops up to the Pope himself. Your theological views are likely to be very much conservative and based on tradition. Catholics believe in seven sacraments, and that the holy communion is the literal blood and body of Christ. In addition to this, they do not accept the Lutheran view of salvation through faith alone, or Calvinist views on predestination; but instead believe that good works are an essentital part of securing a place in Heaven. As a Catholic, you are likely to share many views with episcoplians, and to an extent perhaps also Lutherans, but otherwise your hierarchy and theological beliefs distance you from the post-reformation churches.
Episcopalian 72%
Methodist 57%
Lutheran 36%
Restorationist 30%
Pentecosta 20%
Baptist 16%
Puritan 14%
Calvinist 5%-
K, can we have a clear up on what the pope is?
Ive seen it in a lot of quizes and i didnt understand.
Some said it was AntiChrist and some said God??
GodLives1 -
Im not asking who God is or AntiChrist, just what pope is
GodLives1 -
The Pope is like the Prime Minister for Jesus and the Pope is the visible head of the Catholic Church. Peter, one of Jesus's apostles is the first Pope, appointed by Jesus. when reading the Acts of the Apostles, you'll notice that when there is some question or debate, Peter always decide what they'll do.
Mentor2 -
Catholics are not pelagians. Good works are not necessary for anything but an increase in justification. This is just bad theology. Anyone who actually understands what Catholics teach know that initial justification saves you, and that works only assist us by meriting an increase in justification or restoring us (repentance) if we fall away. Gods grace always precedes this. Read the Council of Trent for goodness sake. Every serious Christian believes that we have to continually repent of our sins and grow in holiness.
It called me a Calvinist! Even though I said people have free will (Qs 3 & 17). Questions 7 and 16 (faith alone and atonement) were difficult because my option was not provided in either. (7: Faith Alone, _evidenced_ by doing good works (James 2) and 16: Atoning sacrifice offered by God to humanity to bring about reconciliation, not appeasement or tricking Satan or even propitiation of an angry god--the sole source of atonement, but not substitutionary.)
sdp051 -
Basically what I had in mind. Great quiz.
Your Result: Restorationist 78%As a Restorationist, you believe that the established churches have strayed so far from God's word as to be irreconcilable. You believe that this is just as applicable to mainstream Protestant Churches as it is to the Roman Catholic Church, and so are unwiling to be grouped with the former. As a Restorationist, you fall into a very broad category of Christianity. You are likely to question traditional Christian views, perhaps refusing to accept the Trinity, or the belief that the death of Jesus on the cross at Calvary is the sole source of atonement. Many smaller churches fall into the restorationist category, with Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses both being placed in this grouping. Nonetheless, it is a very broad grouping, often with a significant overlap into other branches of Chrianity, and so should not clearly define your views as a Christian.
Russ891 -
Thank you for this Quiz. It was awesome! You did a great job. Christ Bless you!!!
Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
1)Your Result: Presbyterian (Reformist/Calvinist/Restorationist)
As a Restorationist, you believe that the established churches have strayed so far from God's word as to be irreconcilable. You believe that this is just as applicable to mainstream Protestant Churches as it is to the Roman Catholic Church, and so are unwiling to be grouped with the former. As a Restorationist, you fall into a very broad category of Christianity. You are likely to question traditional Christian views, perhaps refusing to accept the Trinity, or the belief that the death of Jesus on the cross at Calvary is the sole source of atonement. Many smaller churches fall into the restorationist category, with Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses both being placed in this grouping. Nonetheless, it is a very broad grouping, often with a significant overlap into other branches of Chrianity, and so should not clearly define your views as a Christian.
2)Your Result: Episcopalian
As an episcopalian, you support the espicopal system and the associated church hierarchy. You believe that positions such as those of Priest and Bishop are necessary within a church, and help keep the flock on a righteous path. Despite being a Protestant denomination, in many ways your views are likely to be more in line with those of the Papacy than any of the Lutheran or reformed churches. The best known espicopal church is the Church of England, or the Anglican Church. It sees itself as being "via media", or inbetween Protestanism and Catholicism. Episcoplians are widely spread throughout the world, but of course the episcopal heartland remains in England.
3)Your Result: Catholic
As a Catholic, you believe in the idea of a universal church, with the Pope at its head. You believe a strong hierarchy is necessary to keep order within the church, from the priests and bishops up to the Pope himself.
davymast, your view on religion is not a Biblical one but more of a personal one. The whole "love" view is like talking about coat hook suspended in mid air. Your "love" theology is not grounded in anything but personal speculation and not Bible investigation. The Bible's answer to this question about "who" achieves salvation is rather an easy one. Jesus did. The question of how it is applied is the next one: Does God apply it or does man apply it to himself?
But what about the first Christians? They were creating the bible as we know it but they didn't have it then.
It said I'm baptist based on the freedom of religion and infant baptism but I'm not.
I don't have a denomination and I don't believe in the Trinity. I believe that God is God and Jesus is God's first creation not his other part (I think Jesus and his followers made that quite clear)...but I do support a Baptist university in Limbe, Haiti UCNH which does amazing work in Haiti.
We will all find out the truth during the end of times.
ilG1 -
My result was Methodist, and I don't have a denomination, nor do I believe in them because it means to divide and God hates division, but I'm pretty sure the beliefs of Methodists are close to my own, from what the answer said. Except, I don't believe salvation can be lost. Rewards in heaven can certainly be lost, but not salvation.
The quiz was very thorough, and that's good, and lots of results, too.
But suppose a murderer was killing a lot of people and then he dies without being sorry for his sins. I don't believe he would go to heaven.
You should consider being a catholic (if you're not one already) because they were the first Christian church and they don't want division but unity as one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
I believe in infant dedication by the pastor and the infant is anointed with oil. Me and my brother and three sisters were all dedicated to God in Mount Zion Church. Though its not necessary, It has meaning to me and something like a sign post I can look back to and it has helped me in dark times of my life. The comment below about gender is a real issue and not to be attacked by the ignoranous religious dooahbag below her very honest and valid questions. Im sorry you got no answer so I will do my best to answer. I believe in the bible and believe the bible has Gods opinion on todays issues in society. But God is not stupid and blind to our issues we face today concerning genders, male female transsexual homosexuals bio sexuality etc. I think the answer isnt so much my opinion but Gods unchanging character and According to Malachi 3 God does not change. So I stand with God on it and God loves the world and he loves Homosexuals. He loves sinners but hates sin. If you want to know something that was a revelation to me and that is the most righteous and holy man woman etc is just the same. The bible says that our righteousness is as filthy rags to Gods holiness and standard. The problem is ALL ENCOMPASSING and includes every single facet of our human nature and that includes our best efforts to be holy. Homosexuality gets singled out a lot and other things get put on the pile of excusing. So God has the power to change our nature from sinner to Son of God. Our old nature is not included in that new creation. If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away and all things are made new. Neo is the word for new and Sozo is the word for salvation (Ignore me trying to be clever) so homosexuality is A fruit of our sinful nature as is all of our nature. Which is why we need to reckon it all dead and crucified on the cross. And we do by faith even when we still feel the urges of our flesh. That is the battle and struggle to transcend from death to lif
I Believe you Got it very very wrong i am in no way a Baptist i very much do not agree with the Baptist and i am very much against that church and there beliefs i think that have it wrong i do not believe that once saved always saved i believe that you can fall from grace and if you do not return to it than you are lost i do not believe in any church in todays world. i believe all have lost there way in some form or another. I believe in what jesus said where 2 or more are gathered in my name i will be also thus i believe that GODS church is not a Building with a name on it that you have to attend just on a sunday r a wednesday. I believe you can have church anywhere that 2 or more are giving glory to GOD. I do not believe that the Church has any place are that by going will get you in heaven. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of GOD and came and died for our sins and brought LOVE into a dying world and provided a way that man might come unto the Father for without jesus there is and no way for man to co.e to GOD they were just to full of sin so jesus death provided a way. I was baptised in a pond not of any church but by a man who loved the LORD and believed in him so i chose him because of his love of GOD. Also i believe it is wrong to call anyone Father Because Jesus said so He said call no one FATHER FOR YOU HAVE ONLY ONE FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN HOLY BE IS NAME For we must Believe, Have Faith, AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER . AND NO CHURCH NO MATTER HOW BIG AND GRAND IT IS OR OF ANY NAME IS A TEMPLE OF GOD FOR YIUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD. We all shall be judge and held accountable for r sins and we must believe in Jesus for no man comes unto the father except thru the son Jesus and jesus said deny me before man and i will deny u before the Father.
DrChan441 -
Denominations throughout church history have been helpful to bring out the different distinctions of doctrine within God's Word. However, some denominations are NOT helpful. Also, if you are an atheists, why take the quiz? Why affirm what you deny? Mormons cannot be Christians because they don't believe that Jesus' work saves, but their own "work" saves by good deeds. That is called another/false gospel. Mainline Christianity for centuries have considered the origins and beliefs of the Mormon church to be cultic. Calvinists believe in free will but that human will is either free to sin or fee to obey. Human will is always enslaved either SELF/Satan or to Savior. It is a free will that is bound. Free to sin or free to please God.
This quiz was alright! It didn't guess correctly, it was close, but you know with any quiz depending on your mood, the time of day, and how far you read into each individual questions, you'll get different answers each time. So it was alright! I'll give you that!~