IAmJuiceTho's Profile

Joined on May 19, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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IAmJuiceTho's Recent Quiz Comments
"Still praying for the schism between East and West to fully heal."
In response to CaesarAnubisV:
"I cant believe there's no Orthodox option.…"
1 -
"The writings of the first Christians during the first and second centuries beg to differ."
In response to Anderson 56:
"Mormons are real Christians and the only true…"
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"When will you guys come back into communion with Rome? Most of our disputes are already settled. I just wanna be back together with my…"
In response to Hellenic7:
"This quiz is very limited to a few "denominations"…"
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"Catholic theology does not believe in works salvation. That is the heresy of pelagianism. Works merit an increase in justification, but…"
In response to C5533:
"Catholic 89%
As a Catholic, you believe…"
1 -
"Catholics are not pelagians. Good works are not necessary for anything but an increase in justification. This is just bad theology.…"
In response to gamerteen17:
"Your Result: Catholic 85%
As a Catholic,…"
1 -
"This quiz does not understand Catholic doctrine. It assumes that we are pelagians. We are not. Catholic theology makes it clear that…"