Beverlyreagan's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2015
Status Level: Senior
Beverlyreagan's Quizzes
- How will you die?[published: Apr 09, 2015, 12 comments]
So at about the end of this quiz I realized OH! I forgot to put murdered. So there might be a chance that you……
- Totally random quiz[published: Apr 07, 2015, 2 comments]
I told you this auiz was random so shut up it is your fault thT you clicked it! So calm down! Not my fault.……
- My shoutout spring 2015[published: Apr 06, 2015, 7 comments]
So this is my Shoutout quiz, I hooe you like it please dont get upset with me ifyour not in it I dont……
- Are you smarter then a first grader?[published: Apr 02, 2015, 16 comments]
Now, first off, do not say this quiz is stupied, because it is not! It is not pointless……
- What kind of life do you lead?[published: Apr 02, 2015]
Do you lead a happy life or a sad life? Are you feeling down depressed and low or happy and great……
- How much do you know about me?[published: Apr 02, 2015, 5 comments]
Do you know me? Am I just a girl on the londge no one ever sees or do I only get cussed at?……
- How much of a idiot are you?[published: Apr 01, 2015, 3 comments]
Have you wondered if your an idiot? Probbly not. Your probbly just bored. Well I wonder if your an……
- Are you human???[published: Mar 26, 2015, 2 comments]
Are you human??? You may look human but were you born out of a uhhh where... Did your mom have a baby... Ummm……
- Are you raceist?[published: Mar 26, 2015, 3 comments]
- Will you ever marry?[published: Mar 25, 2015]
Are you a total brat who does not want to be married or just a total rat with nk chance of getting married?……
- What M&Mâ„¢ are you?[published: Mar 25, 2015, 2 comments]
Have you ever wondered what M&Mâ„¢ you are? Have you ever wondered what is truly inside a……
- What is your future???[published: Mar 24, 2015, 1 comment]
What do you think you are going to be when you grow up? You kight think being a actor or an artist could……
- What ABC's once upon a time person are you?[published: Mar 24, 2015, 1 comment]
Do you think you are most like regina? Or mr gold? Or emma? Or even henry!!! All i……
- What day of the week are you[published: Mar 24, 2015, 1 comment]
What day of the week are you??? Do you just hate the days of the week including saturday and……
- What cheez-it are you?[published: Mar 24, 2015]
I have made like a thousand quizes on here today so here is yet another if you could help me get on the……
- Just WHO are you[published: Mar 24, 2015, 1 comment]
Have you ever wondored what your friends think of you? Do you even have friends? What is going on up in your……
- Do you easily get distracted?[published: Mar 24, 2015, 1 comment]
Here are 13 simple questions to see if you can keep your mind on the subject. There are only four……
- The webkinz quiz[published: Mar 24, 2015]
Most the people on go to quiz do not know what webkinz is but for those who do you are very smart and i am very……
- Does he like you?[published: Mar 23, 2015, 1 comment]
Does this boy like you? I know a boy i go to church with who is six years older then me and he has a……
- Are you good at closing doors?[published: Mar 18, 2015]
Okay first of the emoji launguge is like if you are on an ipad and you know where your keys are……
- What is your style? (girls)[published: Mar 18, 2015, 9 comments]
Do you get sick of people saying that you are a tom boy or a girly girl and you dont think so? Take……
Beverlyreagan's Recent Posts
"I know"
"Oh wow I just leveled up I only tried to get to this level for months then I leave and takes like two posts."
"Why arent my showing up..."
"Sorry, Im not clever so I cant spot an attempt to be clever :P"
"Sorry, didnt see that! XD Excuse me if I sound stupid but whats GoToQuizstoria? :P"
"I gtg if anyone wants to get in contact with me Im at this awesome site htt..."
"Nice to meet you too! :)"
"Anyway nice blast from the past bye bye my peeps"
"Looking back on my old quizzes and I wish I didnt exist. No wonder everyone hated me XD *if you are 12 just learn from my mistakes*"
"Hey! :)"
"Hi! Its everyones favorite person! Ah, no one remembers me. I only see one or two users here that were here when I was here XD "
"Reputation is life."
"female, thirteen"
"I wrote Left Alone so I know it doesn't have explict content *shrugs*"
"@Shadow, cool :)"
Beverlyreagan's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"I was 12 when I made this quiz I’m sorry XD"
1 -
"Apparently I've taken this quiz before, more than a year ago. I cant remember it XD
You Are 55% Normal! 55%
You are a…"
1 -
"what the HELL is this? You are telling people to self harm if they want to be emo, do NOT put a message like that out!"
1 -
"Do people think you're a cutter?
Your Result: People suspect nothing, but you do self-harm
Y ou are a pro at…"
1 -
"I've never heard this song or seen the movie, but I can see it
What is your Disney theme song?
Your Result: I won't say I'm…"
1 -
"Heck yeah! I loved this quiz.
Your Result: Baptist 81%As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised…"
4 -
"Lol it says half way there and I'm 13, but I've had mine since I was 10."
1 -
6%... The lower the score, the stronger the depression
Y ou are showing serious signs and symptoms of major…"
2 -
"Your Result: Depression 84%
Everything seems gray. nothing makes you happy. You find yourself crying more than usual, and you…"
1 reply2