What day of the week are you

What day of the week are you??? Do you just hate the days of the week including saturday and sunday? You are cra cra cause that means you hate life who does that?

Are you sunday konday tuesday wedesday thursday friday saturday or none? What day do you think you are? Take this crap quiz to find out!!!!!!!! N nmnnn

Created by: Beverlyreagan
  1. What is your fav day of the week? Darn it i can only put six!!!
  2. Do you like the happy days song? No effect...
  3. Do you like to work/go to school?
  4. What do you like best to do on sunday?
  5. What about monday?
  6. Tuesday?
  7. Wedesday?
  8. Thursday?
  9. Friday?
  10. What about saturday?

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Quiz topic: What day of the week am I