Are You a Therian? | Comments

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  • I LOVE THIS QUIZZ! <] I found out I am therian and now I am wolf and so as my friend is a therian she was one for a couple years and she said "You might be a therian Scarlet" and she found out cause I was barking at a dog and I am 87% a therian so thankz for helping me find out I am therian!!!! My therian name is Ash my friend picked it out for me!

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  • Hi, im Imani, and im 11-13 years old (I don't feel comfortable sharing my exact age),my pronouns are they/she, and I've taken this quiz and many other quizzes to see if i'm a therian. i got 100% therian and 79% otherkin. I've always longed to be an animal, and sometimes try to shake the feeling out of my head, because I've felt people would call me a freak. I love doing quads, love spending time out in nature, love acting like an animal, etc. I often feel phantom ears, tails, paws/nails, etc. I've always loved having my nails out long and scratching people with them if they make me mad and I love acting like I'm pummeling my prey with my nails. If I just relax my entire body and feel free, in my head, I imagine myself as a white wolf jumping around and just feeling free and like myself. I do perfectly match up with the definition of therian (I have done so much research It's not even funny) and a little bit of otherkin, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I feel involuntary urges to bark, hiss, howl, or act like anything of a wolf or fox when I'm mad, happy, or just feel overwhelming feelings. I've started to learn how to control my ears just the slightest bit when I don't even think/try to do it. I feel both spiritual connections with animals and involuntary urges to do therian-like things. I really don't want to jump to conclusions, so I came to the comment section here to try and receive some insight. I hope somebody who knows what they're doing replies soon. Have a good day/night

    • and more

    • As long as I can remember, I wanted to be a animal, it just sounded right for me to be one, idk why.

    • You sound like a therian to me! These are all traits of a therian, as I perceive it. Don't be scared to be yourself. Even if I am afraid, I want others to feel like they shouldn't be. Embrace your identity!

    • Same i often have phantom ears/tail and i know that im a gray Wolf i dont know her name yet but amythest sounds right to me...

    • I’m grey wolf too. Idk my name yet either

  • Hello, my name is Hailey I took this quiz because I started seeing therian tik toks and it looked natural to me I scored an 89% when I was young I loved wolves and the water and air and the forest. I used to run around outside with no shoes and act like a wolf it felt natural but I had to stop as I got older because well I was getting older I'm now 15 I still love running around acting like a wolf I would like to say I'm a therian but I feel I should do a little more research just in case any tips or pointers.

    • Same! Though, It's been hard to figure out a theriotype because I am consistently switching between a feline feeling of mind and a canine feeling of mind. Whenever me and my siblings would play "house" or "family" I would always choose to be the family dog or cat. We had a house where I would even run around and jump on all fours outside! It was an exhilarating feeling, I long for it now

    • Hi! I just wanna say something if its hard to find your Therianthropy its ok! But i would reccomend you guys to find a lot of pictures of therians and you may find one you will like to re search for! Write down the feelings you have about that animal and search 2 more then choose on and search about that one and do shifts!! Etc.

    • That's not how it works.
      You cannot choose to be a therian.

      Please, do your research, the therian community is tired of misinformation.

    • Me too. This quiz said it was a connection, noooopeeee....


  • Hey, I'm Ashe. Saw some TikToks about therians earlier this year and totally vibed with them. Been into animals and nature since forever, plus I'm a Wicca. Right now, I'm 11-15 years old and still feeling that nature connection strong. Got a 100% on the therian scale and 79% on otherkin did some deep dives into therian stuff and bam, I get it now, I'm a therian. Not everyone's cool with it, friends and fam included, but hey, it's not like I chose this life, I was born into it. So, never give up on being a therian or otherkin, the community's got our backs when we need it, and haters ain't worth the worry. We're stronger together!!

    • Hello Ashe, My names Anna.

      I am in the same situation, and between that age too. I have had the same feelings, and I feel connected too!

      And yes, I am not gonna give up, because others think WE are weird, our life, let us live the way we want.

      Quick question: what's a "wicca" ?)

    • I always Deel nervous doing quads in public and public gearing but ill get used to it

  • Hi, I'm Ash. When I was a kid, I had a super deep connection with wolves. I felt at peace just laying/walking in nature. I also never really felt human but didn't know how to describe it. I only phantom shifted at the time. I would make dens out of blankets. I would mostly project my shifting onto a wolf simulator game. There was a point where I shifted, but I often was bullied out of my shifts by my fake friends. I thought I was just a furry, but I then started having feelings of wanting to be a wolf. I looked into it and did lots of research, but i still had my doubts. I have now discovered that I am a therian. It isn't fun like TikTok says it is, but it isn't awful either. It's just who I am.

    air wubbox
  • Hello there, I took this test because I love cats, and often acted like a cat when no one was watching, and would hiss when getting mad. I searched up these 'symptoms' (idk what else to call them) and found out I was a Therian. I scored a 91% on this test, and I think I'm actually a Therian now. I'm fine with being a Therian, but my parents and family don't support them. So its hard to do quads in my backyard and buy the mask and tail without getting judged and called names. My Theriotype is a brown cat :3 I wish luck to all my fellow Therians out there <3

    • I also love cats & often act like them including hissing. Colinceidently I also got a 91. This comment honestly is helped me come to the conclusion that Im actually a therian

    • this is a quiz you can't let them choose for you so no no you are not

    • When I was 6 years old(and now) I loved to act like a cat because I loved cats!

      I pretend that my hands are claws and scratch the rug, and I loved doing vocals, in fact, I did vocals so much that my mom thought my cat was meowing! I also do quads a lot and when I do, it feels right. Now, I know what a therian is, but I just cannot decide if I am one or not, as I scored a 90% at this test for 'you're a therian' as well as I triggered 2 phantom shifts, have a urge to chew on stuff, etc

  • Heyo! Im Fennyl! Ive known Im a therian for several months, and I decided to take this for fun, just to see how high I would score(89%)

    My theriotype is very complex, and in all honesty, I would understand if this sounded crazy or unreasonable but here is the list that makes up my crazy hybrid alpha self:

    -Cross Fox
    -Ringtail Cat(NOT DOMESTIC)
    -Black Wolf
    -German Shepherd(DOMESTIC)
    -Pelagornis Sandoris

    But yeah! My pronouns are they/them/their, I am 12 years old, I practice quadrobics, and Im located in Texas.

    <3 Fennyl

    • Hi Im Eli you sound really cool and I would love to get to know you!!!!!

    • Hey! I'm Persephone, We share a theriotype! (Cross Fox!) I also took this quiz for funsies lol

  • I'm Elliot (13 years old) I found out a while ago that I'm an otherkin.

    A few days ago I realized that I'm a ghoulkin, before that it was very complicated.I've always felt like I wasn't human, but I never knew what that was.I love walking around barefoot outside and eating raw meat or fish. I really wish I was a ghoul.

    • Do not eat raw food. It can lead to several health conditions.

      You can eat sushi or barely cooked meat, but make sure it is healthy and well treated

  • Hi I'm Wolfy! (I'm 13) I have known I was a PolyTherian for a few months and I took this quiz out of boredom, XD I got a 97% (I knew I would get a high percent) But, I would always act like an animal and love being outside when I was little, and I still do! My known Theriotypes are

    -Grey Wolf
    -Fennec Fox
    -Norwegian Forest Cat (Calico)

    Whenever my friends would mess around with me and I would get mad, I would growl at them and play tackle them. Looking back on it, it made me kinda look like an animal. I also have never had a shift, but I always feel like it's there, it just won't happen? Does anyone else get what I mean? Also I always feel like I'm faking being a PolyTherian and this really helps me feel valid, like I'm allowed to be! Without any shame! Don't be afraid to embrace your inner Therian/Otherkin/PolyTherian! -Wolfy

    • There is such thing as non-shifting:)

    • I got an 85, 0Forest_Therian0, but I don't care; it's what's inside that counts.

    • I got a 90% on this thing, I think it may be right?

      When I was little, I loved pretending to be a cat, rolling around on the floor, vocals, etc. And I always wanted to be a animal, I grew out of that for a couple months, but then yt started me showing me therian stuff and I still am unsure if I am a therian or not, but I have triggered 2 phantom shifts before, have a urge to chew on stuff, (I almost bit my Christmas Tree) etc

      So idk maybe I am? I gotta do my research tho

    • We share a thereotype mine is gray wolf

  • Hello, everyone! My name is Mia (nickname) I am around 12-15 years old. I finally discovered my theriotype yesterday!! I have loved lions and been playing with lion stuffed animals when I was younger (I still do a little bit) The reason why I have taken this quiz to make sure I wasn't questioning my identity and finding my inner animal.

    These are my experiences: A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that I was a lion! I was hunting on all fours and I loved it :D

    I saw a reflection of me or a shadow of someone else...but when I woke up from my dream, I felt amazed and a bit disappointed -I wanted to continue it :(

    All this time when I first discovered therians I thought I was a cat (I was close and loved acting like a cat!)

    With this quiz result, I got 98% therian, 72% Otherkin, and 3% human!

    I also have a strong connection with nature too! No wonder why I felt so calm in the forest! That must be my home!!

  • Hello, I know Therianthropy is about having animalistic behaviours involuntarily and I have done research but since I was little, I have been believing to be a cat and even sometimes thinking like one.

    It made me believe that I'm a therian when I look back at it.

    I've done quadrobics even if I didn't know what it was and it really felt normal to me, even made me feel more alive.

    I've done vocals too and I always understand feline body language

    and mimic it sometimes.
    And one time I even howled and idk why.

    Sometimes I don't feel really human because of the things I do.

    At a younger age ,the place I always visited was the fallen tree (it is a park) nearby my house and I took it like it was my small territory but since it has been removed and when I look back to it, it feels like I'm scared to loose my territory again.

    I had a connection to nature and it always like called my name when out on walks but since the tree was removed, I stayed indoors and lost the connection.

    Also scored a 91 % Therian here but I don't really identity as an animal. For me it feels like I'm scared to accept my true self or just aren't a Therian, maybe I'm Animal-Hearted?

    Let me know your though here please, it could help

  • Hello comment section! I've been wondering if I am a therian for a little while now. I've always loved loved lovveeedd cats and wolfs, i think it's really fun to run around on all fours and I'm still questioning if I'm a furry or a therian. I had my first shift (phantom shift) and in my head I pictured brown big pointy ears (like a brown fox or something) while doing quadrobics and maybe that might be a sign? I got an 86% for therian and a 64% for otherkin. When I was younger I used to howl at the moon like a wolf and always roleplay with my cousins as animals. I am totally obsessed with the game warrior cats on Roblox and love reading books about animals like wolves and cats. Am I a therian

    • Hello, I recommend doing research about therians as others cannot answer for your question ,only you can.

      Therians experience Shifts and species dysphoria but this does not make you a therian.

      Do You experience Animalistic and non-human behaviour involuntarily and do you identity yourself as that animal(s)? If no It's totally fine and you can look into Animal Hearted and Other Hearted and more Alterhumans out there you might relate to. But is the answer is yes however Then Congratulations for you, then you may find your theriotype!

      There's one named Animal Hearted.

      They feel a strong connection and or relate to animal(s) but they do not identity themselves and one.

      Hope you found your answer here!

  • I took multiple tests listened to all the podcasts on Spotify and tried to look for any info to see if I was a therian or not, because I think they are really cool and I wish I was a therian :( idk if I am a therian or not yet I still need a little more help but the only things I can remember doing back then was that I used to pretend to be animals a lot when I was younger, in sixth grade I remember hissing at someone by accident Idky, I always really loved nature and animals but this probably doesn’t mean anything all kids probably do this often 😭😭😭 but yeah can somebody please help me find out if I am or not? (Probably not but I usually get around 80% on these quizzes but they’re not that accurate but I hope it is) so someone please help 😭😭😭

    Also u can call me Dani because nobody can say my full name right for some reason and I’m a girl btw - this isn’t important but I’m turning 14 next month

  • It showed me that I'm 100% therian, and I think it might be accurate, because I love doing quads, I see myself with paws, claws, ears, a snout, all kinds of animal body parts. I also dream about running with animals, an I'm a artic fox. I don't know if I'm just going crazy or not, an I'm scare my family won't support me if I tell them what I keep imagining. I think I might be? IDK and I'm scared to be bullied for wearing a tail. I made one, and it feels so natural. I also think I've had some shifts, like once I KNEW I was a human, but it felt so wrong, an I kept jumping, running, an doing quads while on FaceTime with my friend, and they recorded the whole thing to show me. I'm 11 years old, and I don't know if I'm just going crazy, or if I really am I therian.

  • Hii! Im Hunter, a trans Furry and i just found out i am a Otherkin. I had thought about it, i have been involved, supported, and dated a few in my time. I also have had phantom shifts and sense i was little i would pretend to be a wolf with wings or such like that. I used to have my family put a bowl out and i would drink out of it XD but anyways! its news and i am pretty happy with it too! i've always wanted to be a animal and ofc i need to do more research!

  • Hi, I'm Noah and I use any pronouns. I took this quiz because I started seeing TikToks about therians on my For You page, and I didn't fully recognize myself, but for some things, I felt like I was (like the feeling of not being human/same as others. Also, I often felt like a cat or a wolf when I was a child, or at least I felt like I had the same senses and phantom limbs like ears, a tail, claws, and other wolf/cat features. Now I've also had the feeling of having large white wings sometimes for a while, but I've never known if it was imagination or something else. I also feel a kind of connection with cats and canids (dogs) when I'm with them, and I always feel so free, good, and calm when I'm in nature, and I love being there). I've done a lot of research to figure out exactly what it is, and I've watched/read some therian stories, and I feel even more like I am one, but at the same time, I don't have some things that seem to be with all therians. On this test, I got 89% therian, 79% you have a connection but..., 65% otherkin, and 0% human. But I'm still not sure; I will continue my research, but if you can give me advice or anything like that, it would be amazing ! :) Have a good day/night!

  • Hi! I'm Nettle, I am 15, and I took this quiz for fun and because I was not entirely sure about if I am a therian or not. It says I am, but I am gonna ask y'all's opinion on it. I often experience shifts and occasionally experience sensations similar to that of having ears and a tail, occasionally fangs as well. I still have not been able to identify what animal I am, but I feel strong connection to the woods and rivers and stuff. The smell of pine commonly sets off a shift, or the sound of running water. The 'phantom tail' length feels to be about one or two feet long, and the ears and tail both feel fluffy. If people could help me out, that would be amazing!

  • Hi! I'm Jupitter, (not sharing my age), and I've always had a connection to wolves, forests, and lakes. I got therian, which makes total sense for me (this therian got cussed at by a Baptist for doing quads in my yard, which shares property with a church parking lot, and proceeded to do more quads when she wouldn't stfu)

  • Ive been having tail phantom shifts ever since I was young. I LOVED to play around with my friends like wolves or animals. Ive been really close to insects and biology, just earth stuff in general. I usually shake my hair off whenever I get wet and growl sometimes, though that could be natural. I find peace in doing quads, and wearing a tail. (Though, Im sure thats just an escape for me, maybe Im just a quadrobist!) but Id love to know if people in the community think Im a therian, Ive done research, but Im scared to call myself a therian as of now. I dont want to let people down and Im still unsure.

    • Forgot to add! Most of my urges to do quads, bark, growl, etc. are involuntary. I also love to wear chokers, feel free when the wind rustles in my hair. Idk, what do you all think?

  • Can anyone help? I love therians, and quadrobics, and animals masks. I really love climbing trees and being in nice places. But- I still feel human. Although I'd love to identify as therian, I've never shifted. I do things like hiss, but for fun. I scored an 87, but I don't want to offend anyone or falsly identify myself. I used to pretend I was an animal, like cats and dogs, but I never felt a connection. I really want to, but I feel like I'll never fit in with therians. Can anyone help?

  • Okay so hi my name is amelia and about two months ago my best friend came out as a therian to me. I was obviously supportive and we and a other friend who apparently aldo is a therian started doing quadrobics together. I did not think i was a therian (i would kind of like to be one but no one can change that) until we were together one night hoping for one of my bestie or my friend to get a shift. My bestie walked away like a zombie and lots of strange started haopening. I got this strange feeling snd it felt like i had something connected to me on my head. Anyways i have been doing quadrobics for a long time now and i was doing some research on therians when this quiz came up and i thaught why not so i took it. I got a 94% and took some other quizes to all of them saying i am problably a therian. I need some help here, and sorry for the bad spelming i am writing this at 1am. Thanks for any help.

    • sorry for the late response and sorry if you're looking into therianthropy stuff and it doesn't match.

      also don't read it if you found out about theiranthropy already

      Doing quadrobics and wearing gear does not make someone a therian, it is a way to connect to the theriotype.

      now for the question.

      Do you experience non-human / animalistic behaviour involuntarily?

      If yes do you identity as that animal(s)?

      if both yes there's a high chance it is yes, however if it is no I'm sorry, but there are other alterhumans so do research about them!

      there can be one you might relate to

  • I just recently had an encounter with my inner child, and he was literally everything about me mixed together, but note: my inner child was actually a bird around the same size as me, and could speak perfect English. I can communicate with any animal telepathically if only he or she is willing. My mother also has the same ability. I have many dreams, however, about getting into the body and mindset of animals.

    • PS: you can call me Hayden, I am a cisgender straight male.

      (respondent, the rest is pretty obvious.)

  • Hello, you can call me Isy or Everest! I know that I'm a Therian, but I still did this quiz to see my score (100%). I'm 13, live in germany, my pronouns are she/they/it, and I discovered that I'm a Wolf Therian 2 years ago. Right now I'm questioning if I may also be a Hyena Therian, since I strongly feel like it!

    I started doing quadrobics too to feel a little more "connected" to my theriotype. Since I already know that I'm a therian since 2 years, I hope that maybe I can find a Therian around my area that maybe wants to be my friend. <3

    If anyone is interested in being friends with me, you can add my discord:


    • hi! i would like to be ur friend! :)

    • I just joined this community about 3 days ago, on Nov. 6, 2023.

  • Hi! I've got a few things to say about the quiz!

    1- A quiz does NOT determine whether you are a therian or not.

    2-Otherkin not only means mythical creatures, but is also an umbrella term in which therianthropy is.

    3- There were a lot of questions, but none of them could be helpful or determine if you're alterhuman.

    4- Therianthropy and otherkinity are NOT a connection. They're identities. If you identify as an animal on a non-physical level involuntarily you ARE a therian. If it's a strong connection you're other hearted (and that's fine!)

    5- To everyone taking the quiz. Do NOT let it define if you're a therian or not. That's something only you know.

    • I took 5 quizzes. They all said I was a therian.

  • I took this test because i have multiple therian friends, and i feel like i fit in with them? Also, i've had an obsession with ears and tails since i was close to 6. And apparently i am! 91% Therian. And 1% human!? Anyways, i am kind of surprised with my results, as i expected to be human. But i do identify as animal! Now taking a test on what animal i am, but i feel a connection between me and lynxes. Anyways, Thanks for your time! I left a good message to the creator, and i hope to see more like this!

    Imge Asha Boon
  • I've speculated that I was a therian for years (i am 15) and took this quiz for fun. And i ended up scoring 94%. My theriotypes are a red fox, Maine coon cat (wild), and a Black wolf. This quiz was very validating because sometimes i feel like I'm faking being a therian. so thanks for making this quiz C:

    • This quiz is wrong and no one should take a quiz to see if they are a therian

    • slayyyyy

    • I'm not going to say you're faking. But don't trust a quiz to know who you are.

      If what you feel is a connection, you're no therian


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